View Full Version : 75mg pregabalin need to take..scared help:(

05-06-13, 20:30
I am sitting here with the pill I am meant to have started last Friday but I just keep putting it off. I'm scared I'm going to have an awful reaction to it... Or that I don't have anxiety and taking this is going to make my "illness" elevate.
I have severe health anxiety... I feel dizzy 24/7 have constant pressure headaches and sometimes feel like I can't breathe.. I have had tests so I suppose I am fine? I'm just terrified but I know I have to take this for me and my family and boyfriend.. I'm just scared..does anyone have any success stories? I don't particularly want to hear any scary stories as I'm already scared enough!hahacxx

05-06-13, 20:45
I took pregabalin for 1 year. It was a god send hun for the first few months. I might even ask to go back.on them. When I first started on it I felt great, a bit unsteady but not anxious about it. It did help. Im.like u though, I cant take new pills (actually even pills ive had before) and I get CONVINCED that im havibg an allergic reaction. Infact yesterday I thought I was having an allergic reaction to a garlic supplement...

Good luck hun. Its ok, I understand how u feel


05-06-13, 20:48
Hello Hanbr

I have been on Pregabalin for 18 odd months now and if you are starting on 75mg I don't think you would have that much of a side effect, after a while of taking them you may feel a little drunk but that wears off.

I found pregabalin a life saver it allowed me to do all the thing I thought I would never do again it is a good drug for mild anxiety.

05-06-13, 21:31
thanks guys, i am just terrified its going to kill me or something stupid i know! but my main worry is dizziness and i have read it can sedate you :( also how long does it take to take effect and should i be taking it morning and night as my doctor didnt say and he is on holiday :(
i have it in my hand.. i feel so close to taking it

05-06-13, 21:46
I would say take it at night if you are worried about the any of the side effects you have said.. But 75mg is a very small dose so I should not worry to much.

And it will not kill you or anything stupid like that.. it is a very safe drug and I think you have done the thing I do and read that stupid A4 sheet of paper that lists every side effect possible That is just for guideness.

you will be ok

05-06-13, 21:47
I had 25mg tablets and took.one three times a day at first. Maybe ask.if you can do that?

05-06-13, 21:57
well no my mum took it away from me but i did some research online.. haha my own worst enemy. AceOfSpades could I ask what dosage you started on please?
and I have heard as it is only in your system for 14 hours you should be taking it morning and night but I havent been told this?!.. yeh might do just a pain my doctor is on holiday:/

05-06-13, 22:11
I started on 150mg (75 morn and night) I have now settled at 375mg I came down from 450.
After the first few tablets I felt a lot better and I have not looked back..

I have just started taking Fluoxetine/Prozac. I have had other anti ds but have had very bad side effects but with this one Fluox I have taken a different approach and maybe what I wrote may help you

"But with the Fluox, I think I have 2 Major factor's in my favour 1st is the small doses start and the 2nd is that I'm starting fluox in the right frame of mind when I started the other 2 I was expecting every single bad reaction this time I'm just saying to myself hey if I have a reaction I will address it one thing at a time."

Maybe instead of looking on the negative and thinking this is going to happen and then bam this will and so on look at it in the way that says I will cross that bridge when it comes and not before.

I hope I make sense lol I don't most of the time.

07-06-13, 09:23
I took it last night guys! Thankyou so much for your support:) I don't feel that different at the moment ATM I felt wit drunk last night but just fingers crossed it lifts my anxiety(yn) not sure if I should take it at midday too or only at night.. X