View Full Version : hi!!!

02-10-06, 21:35
Hi I'm a married mum of 2 working part-time as Practice Manager of a Dental Surgery( well not at the moment as I'm signed off sick). I first started with anxiety and panic about 8 years ago managed to control it with counselling and medication until about 6 months ago, and I've gone down hill ever since. I've been back and forth to GP and counsellor but at the moment nothing seems to be helping!!!! I'm virtually house bound too frightened to go out, too frightened to be alone, too frightened to look after my children, I have just about convinced myself that I'm going to go completely mad and will have to be locked up!!!! So heres hoping that reading your stories and speaking to other sufferes might just help me turn the corner from just existing to living again.


02-10-06, 21:41
Welcome along, Jane.

I do understand the feeling of "fear is all around" if that's what it is.

You have probably already been told that the best thing is to try and get out of the house bit by bit, however painful that feels. Just start off by opening the front door or going down the garden path if that's all you can do, but don't give up!

We are here to help you.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-10-06, 22:29
welcome to no more panic jane,
hope to speak soon

03-10-06, 08:57
hi jane
you sound just like me i worry about everything,and find it very hard to live my life im also scared of my thoughs,i seen to battle with negative thoughts all the time i waited years before getting help the main fear being took away by men in white coats,my doctors has been brilliant i managed for ages but lately panic attacks and worry have taken over again,i just keep telling myself it will get better{hopefully}sending you lots of love and hugs is makes me feel better knowing im not the only one out there,with problems like ours makes you think your the only one as ive found out on here theres loads of us with the same problems and non of us are going mad just need a bit of help right now

03-10-06, 14:34
Hi Jane,

A big warm welcome to you. Everyone here is fab.

Take Care


03-10-06, 14:55
a big welcome x

Hay x

03-10-06, 15:14

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Here is a link to the first steps to over coming anxiety, hope it helps:

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-10-06, 14:22
Hi jane

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely, supportive people here and get some great advice and help!


07-10-06, 15:56
hi jane and welcome, remember you have already beaten this once 8 years ago, and you will again. Dont worry about the men in white coats your not the only one who worries about them, i also look for signs of dribbling!!lol
feel free to pm anytime if your feeling low, or just want to have a chat
take care

07-10-06, 17:43
hiya jane,

welcome to nomorepanic

its the best place to be
