View Full Version : should I go back to doctors? swollen glands

06-06-13, 08:53
WELL, for those who haven't followed my posts

4 weeks ago I developed swollen neck glands and went to the doctor after a week. He suggested waiting another week and then having a blood test.

The blood test came back normal except high iron which Dr thinks is a red herrin. He has asked for a repeat blood test middle of June (3 weeks since the first blood test!).

Now my glands are still swollen and he said he wasn't sure if the high iron could cause it.

I am getting pretty anxious and fed up of waking up everyday and glands still swollen. I go to bed hoping they will vanish over night.

Should I go back to the doctors BEFORE this repeat test and tell him I still have the original problem? I feel like they just aren't doing enough.

I have read posts online and some doctors would atleast throw antibiotics at it but Ive been given nothing!

If I get an appointment to see him before the repeat blood test im worried he will just think errr why are you here??? Maybe I should see a different doctor? But then Im worried the 2nd doctor will not know what my glands felt like the first time around. I think they have gone down a bit and would like the original doctor to confirm it.

HELP having a bad day!!!!!!!!!

06-06-13, 11:43
I had glands come up years ago due to a virus. 10 years later they are still up. One protrudes out the side of my neck. All my bloods were normal.
Stick with the same doctor. Its just your anxiety wanting immediate answers.

06-06-13, 11:53
I am in the same situation at present. Saw my GP Tuesday he said it was a viral Infection that was now post viral. He said it can sometimes rumble on for weeks/months. Grrrrr

06-06-13, 12:34
yeah same i have had post viral swollen glands for a while now, my throats inflammed slightly but my tonsils and stuff are OK, bloods fine, lungs fine, but there still a little swollen. having this off balance feeling at the moment, mum suggested it may be my ear

06-06-13, 12:39
suppose i will leave it til the blood test atleast. i am finding the pain subsiding when i take my mind off it at work but keep dashing to do the toilet to do examinations of my neck. is it just me?????????????

06-06-13, 13:06
The way I judge pain vs psychological pain is: if it's not there when I wake up its psychological. If it wakes me through the night, its real. If your mind is off it and you dont feel it when busy, its psychological.

06-06-13, 13:15
I think there HAS been something wrong but my anxietys have INCREASED the sensations. Also my anxiety is not letting me LET GO of it.

The doctor DID feel swollen glands but who knows that could be NORMAL for my body. My neck has always had feelable nodes at 11 o clock and 1 o clock of my adams apple