View Full Version : New here - any advice?

02-10-06, 22:43
Hi everyone:
I found this site today and am hopeful that I'll meet some other people with ideas on how to battle anxiety. I struggled with anxiety all through childhood - it disappeared when I was 17 or so, and now it flared up again about 2 years ago when I turned 25. When I was a kid, my anxiety was about my parents disappearing, getting killed, and now all of my anxiety is around my husband. We have only been married 6 months and I am making him crazy with my constant panic attacks and worrying. When we first started dating, everything was under control and I didn't worry about him, but now I worry about him going to work, meeting up with friends, on the train, anything where he is not by my side. The worst part is - my husband is a very cautious man and I have nothing to be worrying about - so much of it is in my head. My panic attacks are typical after reading the symptoms on this website- hyperventilating, shaking, inability to eat, digestive problems. My doctor suggested medication or counseling, but before I do either, I wanted to see if anyone else struggled with this issue and how they manage it and get on with their lives.

02-10-06, 23:37
Hi Jessie and welcome to the forum.

I would suggest some therapy to try and solve your problem.

I suspect your concerns over your man are really the same as the concerns you once had over your parents when young.

My childhood issues seem to be re-inventing themselves in my adult life too.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

03-10-06, 00:00
Hi jessie,

Welcome to the forum.

Like you i suffer with panic/anxiety, and have not really had any help just had to find my own way through it. But it can be done 3 months ago i couldnt come out of my room was trapped with fear. But sowly and gradually i made myself confront my fears. Its not easy and some days i feel drained mentaly and physically. And here i am now last friday i went out for 20 mins and even managed to get on a bus which was my biggest fear. You have to be strong and fight the fear because it will take over till you fear fear itself. I wish you all the best and hope you find support on here.

take care jessiexxxx


03-10-06, 14:35
Hi Jessie,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


03-10-06, 14:53
hi and welcome.
I suffer a great sense of loss and anxiety when my husband goes to work in the morning - crazy it is!

Hay x

03-10-06, 15:47
Hi Jessie and welcome.I have a great fear of losing my parents and my boyfriend.I worry about them constantly.
Anxiety has lots of symptoms,you will find alot of helpfull advise here.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

03-10-06, 15:53

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Try this link for the first steps for anxiety, i hope it helps:

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

03-10-06, 17:11
Hi Jessie,

Yes i have been there and still am in varying degrees. I also worry if my husband hasn't texted me when he gets to where he is going. I agree you do need therapy as this helped me loads.

I have just gone back on the tablets now and know they work.

Welcome to the forum.

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

07-10-06, 14:21
Hi Jessie

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely, supportive people here and get some great advice and help!
