View Full Version : is this anxiety or somthing more so afraid

06-06-13, 09:42
does any one else have this when my amxiety as been high for weeks the more i suffer with still back legs neck shouldersits so bad when i get out of bed i feel like a stiff board and the tension in my neck makes me feel i cant think straight at all even my face aches infact even my fingers are stiff i keep thinking what if i am riddled with bone cancer people say go to doctors but i never go to doctors she as been out to me twice maybe 3 times i ave been 3 times in 7 yrs i dont go to afraid of what the will tell me any way sorry to go on just need to no if any one else as the awfull stiffness through out there whole body when you been trying to fight anxiety and holding yr self together going about cooking and cleaning with constant battle going on inside you and people around you think yr ok but all you doing is holding yr self together with so much tension thanks for listening as always take care all trish xx

06-06-13, 10:10
sorry your feeling this way trish, i struggle trying to keep it together, id deffo advise a routine trip to the doctors more for piece of mind than anything else :)

06-06-13, 10:24
Anxiety can cause tension, if it happens long enough you can get muscular pain in the areas you described. Imagine holding a heavy dumbbell for a long time, your arm would start to ache and then hurt, that's what tension does. I thought I sprained by back because I was in a lot of pain for a week and it wasn't until my environment was changed at work that I realised it was through stress.

Try to relax a bit. Try to remind yourself that you are tense and relax. Feel the tension slip through your fingers and toes. Have a break from what ever is causing the stress (like work or parenting) for a few minutes. Have a look at your day-to-day like to see what's making you so tense and anxious.

06-06-13, 10:29
I too suffer with a stiff neck, shoulders, ribs and upper stomach and it is all down to muscle tension. When I get anxious I tense up, I try and do some sort of relaxation every day and I check myself during the day and lower my shoulders and try to relax. The worst for me is my stomach muscles as this affects my appetite and general well being :(

Mention it to your doctor if you are worried about though.

06-06-13, 10:46
hi trish just read your post and it was as if i was writing it as everything you have wrote i feel exactly like u exept i go running up to my gp all the time about every little ache or pain or the way im feeling and know that i have to try and stop doing it . i dont know about u but i have struggled for 7yrs now they say if you exept the anxiety it will get easyer but i find it so hard to and not sure how to when you feel the way u do all the time so i feel for you as i know wat ur going thro but maybe just go the docs and talk to them just to put ur mind to rest