View Full Version : Soft stools

06-06-13, 10:30
Hi everyone, I'm back with more bowel stuff...

I'm taking a conception multivitamin and have been having soft stools for about the same amount of time. Nothing else that's weird just the soft stools. It isn't what i'd call loose, just not firm.

Is this linked to the vitamins? It's been ages since I've taken them (I used them before I got pregnant with my son who is now 10months old) so I can't remember what's normal.

It's really nagging away at me now so I'd really appreciate any advice.


06-06-13, 10:54
It could possibly be the vitamins, I have noticed changes in bm's when taking vitamins. Certain ones can also cause colour changes in urine.

06-06-13, 12:00
Are soft stools a worry? Are there innocent reasons for having them?

06-06-13, 12:35
When you say soft..do you mean watery? If they are just soft and not runny then it is quite normal.

06-06-13, 13:28
No not watery or runny in any way, literally just soft and (sorry!) squishy! It's not diarreah, I'm not having stomach cramps or going to the loo any more than normal, I'm just aware that they're very very easy to pass and soft when they come out.

I suppose I should be happy, I was in a right state when I was constipated!

06-06-13, 14:17
It sounds quite normal to me.