View Full Version : lingering sore throat / swollen tonsils - help

06-06-13, 10:31
Hi all, i have been suffering from a lingering sore throat with swollen tonsils for about 3 weeks now and can't seem to shake it. i also get gluey eyes in the morning and sometimes feel like I have a bit of a temperature. I saw my GP who checked my tonsils and said that one of them was slightly large but that it was post-viral infection that can rumble on for weeks/months.

being a real worrier when it comes to health issues, I straight away fear the worst like Lymphoma or something, given that I can't seem to shake it.

a) Can it take several weeks/months to shake off viral throat infections?

b) Can stress and worry make these symptoms worse?

I would really appreciate help from people using the forum as I don't want to go down the slippery slide to full blown worry again.


06-06-13, 10:52
its sounds ok but if you are still worried then go back to the dr, take care blessings

06-06-13, 10:54
im the same ive had a virus a few weeks back and my glands are a litte swollen still and my throats inflammed, but all in all im ok no temp etc and said it sounded like ive had one or two viral infections, the pharmacist i spoke to also said it sounded slightly hayfeverish, today i have no sore throat as such but my tonsills feel like there burning :(

06-06-13, 12:42
Hi all, i have been suffering from a lingering sore throat with swollen tonsils for about 3 weeks now and can't seem to shake it. i also get gluey eyes in the morning and sometimes feel like I have a bit of a temperature. I saw my GP who checked my tonsils and said that one of them was slightly large but that it was post-viral infection that can rumble on for weeks/months.

being a real worrier when it comes to health issues, I straight away fear the worst like Lymphoma or something, given that I can't seem to shake it.

a) Can it take several weeks/months to shake off viral throat infections?

b) Can stress and worry make these symptoms worse?

I would really appreciate help from people using the forum as I don't want to go down the slippery slide to full blown worry again.


Sore throats take AGES to heal sometimes.
Take ibuprofen every 4 hours to help the healing - this works by reducing inflammation.

Gargle salt water if you can? My brother had around 10 ulcers on his throat a while back, doctors were baffled. a week of gargling salt water and they vanished!

06-06-13, 12:46
I agree with gargling and rinsing mouth with salt water. I had tonsillitis a few months ago and it took me a while to get over it but the salt water helped.

06-06-13, 14:06
Did you guys generally feel under the weather and like low grade feverish? It's a pain being a HA sufferer - always jumping to worst case scenario

06-06-13, 14:15
Yes I did...very much so! I had no energy at all.

06-06-13, 15:42
I had a throat infection a few months back and it took forever to clear up. I was really hoarse for about a fortnight but the soreness and feeling ill went on for a couple if months. I got anti biotics in the end which helped but it then tried to come back and get me a second time.

These things really can take time. Garging salt water does help as other people have said.

06-06-13, 17:44
Just feels like its rattling about from throat, to ears feeling blocked to feeling clammy. Checking glands does not help as I think mine are quite prominent anyway. And I'm sure prodding and feeling them will only make them worse

24-04-18, 13:37

I know this thread is old but I have been having the same symptoms (sore throat, feeling ill) and 2-3 of my lymphnodes on my neck are a bit swollen as well, moslty on the left side. The reason it worries me is that it has lasted for almost 2 months now and I also have this one lymphnode under my ear that hurts and is a bit swollen but not protruding. (I think me prodding it doesn't help with the pain).

I went to a GP who ran bloods but then completely dismissed me after they came back normal saying I have HA, which is true but I felt like I wasn't being listened to at all. I also went to an ENT (I had a referral for a different issue which doesn't worry me), had an endoscope and my throat doesn't look infected but my left tonsil is ever so slightly enlarged and that the lymphnodes are not worrisome to him. However he also said me being tired and occasionally having a slight temp are unrelated which is wrong as they appeared together after a bad cold at a really stressful time and the whole area around it is sore most of the time.

My biggest fear is lymphoma, I keep getting random symptoms like night sweats and body pains but they are not constant or extreme, I also have days where my appetite is very low but I believe a lot of that can be due to my anxiety and HA.

I am constantly seeking reassurance through googling which most of the time makes things worse so I wanted to say thanks for this thread because it was the only one I found that actually helped me. I think I am VERY slowly feeling better but I still have some pretty bad days and was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience before and if so, did you find out what it was.

Many thanks

29-04-18, 23:16

I know this thread is old but I have been having the same symptoms (sore throat, feeling ill) and 2-3 of my lymphnodes on my neck are a bit swollen as well, moslty on the left side. The reason it worries me is that it has lasted for almost 2 months now and I also have this one lymphnode under my ear that hurts and is a bit swollen but not protruding. (I think me prodding it doesn't help with the pain).

I went to a GP who ran bloods but then completely dismissed me after they came back normal saying I have HA, which is true but I felt like I wasn't being listened to at all. I also went to an ENT (I had a referral for a different issue which doesn't worry me), had an endoscope and my throat doesn't look infected but my left tonsil is ever so slightly enlarged and that the lymphnodes are not worrisome to him. However he also said me being tired and occasionally having a slight temp are unrelated which is wrong as they appeared together after a bad cold at a really stressful time and the whole area around it is sore most of the time.

My biggest fear is lymphoma, I keep getting random symptoms like night sweats and body pains but they are not constant or extreme, I also have days where my appetite is very low but I believe a lot of that can be due to my anxiety and HA.

I am constantly seeking reassurance through googling which most of the time makes things worse so I wanted to say thanks for this thread because it was the only one I found that actually helped me. I think I am VERY slowly feeling better but I still have some pretty bad days and was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience before and if so, did you find out what it was.

Many thanks

I think you posted in my thread, but this sounds pretty much like me!

My bloods were fine, but I still have the fear of "C" too, and still have various symptoms.