View Full Version : best med for intrusive/obsessive thoughts?

06-06-13, 11:21
hi does anyone suffer from obsessive thoughts/intrusive thoughts and mind chatter? if so what med if any has helped atall, im not on ANY medication but this intrusive thinking is taking over constant mind chatter and thinking about death and health and all that its getting me down to a point im just crying about it all the time.

06-06-13, 12:41
Even on meds I suffered intrusive thoughts.. The best way to rid yourself of them is to not give them importance. For me I was getting thoughts of harming family, pets and myself...scared me to death, the more scared I was , the more I got them...so I started saying, I don't want to harm anyone, I would rather kill myself than harm anyone, and as I don't want to die, then no point in giving me these thoughts...took a while, but I no longer get them now..

06-06-13, 12:52
brilliant post, im thinking maybe a bit of that with cbt might help a bit, its just getting me down having this constant feeling of dread all day every day thinking what if, all day long x

06-06-13, 12:57
Start having positive statements ready for when negative one pop in... Even putting post it notes round your house with positive things on them helps...
Remember 95 % of the thoughts you have tomorrow will be the same as today's, so start some new positive ones today !

06-06-13, 12:59
That's a good way of putting it storm. Thanks! just really peeved as i was doing so well x

06-06-13, 13:01
Don't dwell on the bad days either...remember the good ones.

06-06-13, 13:34
yeah i will try that then, thank you :)

06-06-13, 13:49
Hi...my son suffers from obsessive/intrusive thoughts with his Ocd.
As Storm says, even on meds you can still get the intrusive thoughts, but in my sons case, the meds have enabled him to be able to cope, and live his life. My son takes Paroxetine. I know not everyone likes this med, but all i can say is that it has really helped him.
The CBT also helped a lot with understanding why this was happening, and learning ways of dealing with the thoughts, much as Storm says.
I definitely think its worth asking your Gp to be referred for CBT, they won't push you to go on medication if its not what you want.

09-06-13, 09:32
I've got a CBT appointment I'm awaiting but they're just so severe at the moment it's making me hell to live with