View Full Version : The worst morning EVER!!!

06-06-13, 11:33
Hi everyone,

Well just had the most terrible morning with my Health Anxiety ever. Or was it???

Woke up feeling anxious immediately, which is unusual for me. I normally get about an hours respite before the butterflies kick in. I think I know why I was anxious - it was because I knew I had to drive this morning, something that I have avoided for weeks due to having my first episode (panic attack??) while driving.

As the time got nearer, I was in a terrible state. Heart rate up to 120 and arm/chest pain almost unbearable. I did all my usual stretches and breathing exercises but nothing worked.

I somehow managed the journey, but at one point I thought I was going to pass out my heart was racing so much. It peaked at about 150 bpm.

I am now home and it is about 92, which is still very high for me while resting.

I am convinced I am going to have a heart attack today. Can't shake the feeling of doom I currently have. Surely this much adrenalin and increased heart rate for so long cannot be good for me. My arm is still sore and my chest is tight.

Sorry for repeating myself, but I just want to vent on here.

So scared.


06-06-13, 11:48
It sounds like anxiety and I wouldn't worry about your heart rate, worrying about it will keep it raised. Accept that it is anxiety causing it. The increased heart rate cannot harm you. Mine has been much higher whilst my anxiety was bad. I would suggest you stop checking it all the time as that means you are focusing on it and getting more anxious. It can't harm you.

06-06-13, 12:17
Thanks Annie.

Really want to stop checking, but finding it so hard. This is the most prolonged high heart rate I have had to my knowledge. Still going at about 100 bpm. Got to be about 5 hours now.

Cannot be good for my heart or my blood pressure???!!!!

06-06-13, 12:34
100 bpm is really not that high. If it was continuously much above that it may be more of a concern but as yours is fluctuating and around 100 then it is nothing to worry about. Take deep breaths in, hold it for 4 seconds and SLOWLY let it out. Keep repeating this and it should help your heart rate to go down.

Mr m anxious
06-06-13, 13:06
Charlie don't worry, normal resting heartbeat is 60-100, also during excersise it's 100-140, strenuous exersise can go upto 200 bpm which doesn't cause harm. Don't forget your heart races when your exited also.

06-06-13, 13:21
It's just not slowing down today. I am worried despite my tests coming back ok a few months ago. I am also feeling light headed and getting pulse feelings in my head, ears, chest and stomach.

Still going at around 96 bpm.

This cannot be good for me.

I am very scared that today is my last day.

06-06-13, 14:21
It is fine! Constantly checking it is not helping. 96 bpm will not harm you. Some people have it go up MUCH higher without any harm. Mine was 180bpm one day when my anxiety was really bad and didn't go down much all day but I'm still here :)

06-06-13, 14:29
Thanks Annie,

I know you are trying to reassure me. It is much appreciated. I can feel veins in my temples, so worried this has raised my BP.

My bpm has never been this high for so long. Think I may go to A&E just to be on the safe side.

06-06-13, 14:42
I really don't think you need to go to A&E What you need to do first is some slow breathing exercises. Try that first, as I suggested earlier, tell yourself that you are fine and the anxiety will pass. Deep breaths in, hold for 4 seconds, let it out very slowly...keep repeating this and your heart rate will go down. It is not at a dangerous level anyway.

06-06-13, 15:24
Yes, 96 is within the ranges of normal. 60-100 is a normal resting heart rate, obviously it you are distressed it will be higher so if your's is only 96 while you are freaking out then you should feel good about that. :) Try the relaxation techniques that were mentioned and stop checking your pulse, you are fine.

06-06-13, 16:56
This is beyond a joke now. Heart rate still over 90 bpm. My usual pulse is 64. Why can I not get it down?

Haven't gone to A&E but I can't continue like this. My left arm and armpit is so uncomfortable. Please comment and help me relax??? :)

06-06-13, 17:17
You can't get it down because you are constantly checking and focusing on it. Go and do something to distract you. My heart rate is quite often over 90 but that is not out of the range. Have you done the breathing exercises?

06-06-13, 17:48
Stop thinking about it. I just checked my bp and my hr was 93, a little high for me but I just had a cup of coffee. I know it is scary if you think it abnormal, heart problems is one of my biggest fears, but hovering between 90-100 is not abnormal and you need to relax and find something else to focus on. Have you ever tried yoga breathing? I can't post links yet but you can look up an exercise called anuloma viloma or alternate nostril breathing. I thought of this one since the focusing on using your hand might help distract your thoughts. I usually keep up an internal mantra of "Breathing in I calm my body, breathing out I smile" to also help keep my mind distracted.

06-06-13, 17:50
Yes Annie. Done them a lot since you first posted. Thanks.

I am down to 80 now which I am not concerned about. I guess the adrenalin can only last so long eh?!!

Armpit and arm still very uncomfortable, but I feel a bit calmer. Thanks for all your help today :hugs:

---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:49 ----------

Thanks also Leah. Much appreciated that you have commented.

06-06-13, 20:13
Hi CharlieM; we seem to be very much in the same boat at the moment. Between reflux (which I've always had bad problems with but anxiety has made worse) and costochondritis, i'm fighting chest pains almost constantly. Often the only thing that stops me freaking out are meds, which is bad, but it's that or a and e 24/7. My blood pressure has gone from being mildly hypotensive to as high as 147. Your heart rate also sounds quite like mine; I used to have a lowish resting heart rate and now it's rarely below 75.

However I do seem to have an (apparently) benign condition called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, where my heart rate goes up too much when I'm upright and I also feel faint. Waiting on my test for diagnosis. Did you suffer a virus or any particular physical strain before all this? If so you may have a form of dysautonomia like pots. But all your symptoms could totally just be anxiety.

08-06-13, 10:52
Hi Charlie, I have only just seen you r post as have had an awful couple of days and haven't been on. just to say i really hope you are feelng better- and one thing that helped me when i had palps and /or high pulse- i read we are designed to withstand thi =s at times of stress so don't worry that its harming you xxx

08-06-13, 11:33
Thanks ccat.

Feeling better today. Heart rate back to normal. :)

Just the arm pain to deal with now!!!

Replied to your post
