View Full Version : help anxious bad

06-06-13, 13:28
ok well started on tuesday i started to shake a little bit but realised it was because i had no food. but still left me anxious. then yestaday was a bit nervous and anxious. and today feel all anxious,nervous,jittery. and doom feelings. it,s making me frightend. i keep thinking something bads going to happen or i might faint,callapse ect.... wish it would go away. i,ve been a bit more happyer recently aswell it just seems when your happy it,s taken away from you. and my ears aint helping because there all bunged up and whatever through an ear infec.and i got a nervous stomach. don,t know why i feel like this. it,s like i got adrenalin running through my body

06-06-13, 13:39
Hi your not alone in this. I have suffered the same symptoms. Find it very hard to accept it as anxiety and just when u think u have control it comes back and bites you in the backside... I sometimes get the feeling of something bad going to happen which is a hard one to deal with. Even when I'm relaxed anxiety rears its head

06-06-13, 14:27
i kno ella. i still feel crap. & i gotta get kids from school soon when realy i just want to go to bed