View Full Version : Three fat hang over?

06-06-13, 17:42
Tuesday night I drank so heavily I ended up in hospital. It's Thursday now and I still can't get out of bed. I'm weak, tired and have slept for 36 hours and cent move. Am I going to feel normal again?
I did this to preove a point to my parents that in ill now they know.
I can't move please help me :(

06-06-13, 17:47
How on earth did you end up in hospital?

I am not sure drinking yourself stupid is going to prove a point to your parents though Emma from what you have said about them before.

What did the hospital do?

06-06-13, 17:49
Hi I am not surprised you feel ill, if you drank enough that you ended up in hospital you have poisoned yourself, I am sure that getting that drunk has not achieved anything that will help you to feel better.
Drink plenty of water so that you can flush out the toxins in your body, then have a long shower that will help you feel better as well, then come back and let me know how you feel x

06-06-13, 17:52
I can't remember nothing Nicola. Apparently they did scans, bloods etc. i just woke up their. I haven't got out of bed in two days and have no energy to do so! Am ongoing to be like this for ever stuck in bed!

---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:50 ----------

I've eaten, drunk water. Had a dyrolite sachet things but I can't move I'm shattered to death?

---------- Post added at 17:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

Is the tiredness boredom? I'm so bored nothing to do :(

06-06-13, 17:57
So how on earth did you get to hospital?

What scans did they do?

How have your parents reacted and what about work?

06-06-13, 18:03
Ambulance parents took me. Nicola I've barely got energy to type this message.
Work are fine I've spoken to them.
Parents been good. Been refereed to counselling swell. Meant to be working tommmoroe but I've no energy.
I've had toast, cereal Bars and tuna salad today. Had five pints of water and dyrolite and lucozade sports but I can't move I'm so tired! What's wrong with me.

---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

Apparently a ct scan and chest scan. I can't remember anything at all.

06-06-13, 18:10
What point did you have to prove?

I can tell you what's wrong with you. You drank to the point of needing to go to Hospital. That would be why you are suffering. When I used to drink (in moderation, socially and sensibly) I would get hangovers lasting a couple of days.

If you've drank yourself to the point of needed hospitalisation, then of course your body is going to feel like death for a while.

You are hungover. What on earth do you think the reason for you feeling like this is?

06-06-13, 18:14
Will I ever feel better again though?
Should it be to the point were I'm so tired I can't get out of bed. This is the first time I'm able to even type on my phone in two days.

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

I had to proove how bad I am to them. I also wanted to harm my self so did this.

06-06-13, 18:20
I have never heard of them doing ct scans for over consumption of alcohol but there you go.

You have abused your body so much it will need time to recover to be honest.

06-06-13, 18:26
I'm tired lying here but can't sleep? Have I over slept should I try to sleep more? I physically can so nothing.

06-06-13, 18:35
I'd imagine you'll feel like this for a few days yet Emma. Consuming such an amount of alcohol means it will take a while to recover. Like the others have said keep drinking water and eat regularly (try bananas and egg based meals to restore electrolytes). Rest as much as you need to and you'll slowly start to feel physically better.

06-06-13, 18:36
As Nicola said you will just need to give your body time to recover now. No one can say how long that will take.

06-06-13, 18:40
Thanks do i just sleep then? And eat and drink. Is all the sleeping making me feel worse though I'm very very bored aswell.

---------- Post added at 18:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:39 ----------

I haven't had strength till this evening to even type this on y phone.
This has stopped my mum and dad drinking and smoking though. They've given up both.

06-06-13, 18:43
Self harm and drinking to get attention is never the answer though.

06-06-13, 18:48
I know :(
I just felt like I had to do something to show them I'm just not ok. I'm just not ok and haven't been for ages. I'm so so bored aswell but cent sleep but no energy to move have just ate a banana and a plum.

06-06-13, 18:55
You alcohol poisoning mate! ive had it and it goes on for days and you feel like SHIT! Keep drinking water my friend, I am chuckling a bit sorry! I used to do things like that as well, you'll live and guess what? in a couple of weeks you'll be drinking again! *BUT THERE LIES THE PROBLEM* keep it in check, many a time i've woken up not where i started, hospitals, gardens, fields, strange houses! Get your limits in check!! All the best!

06-06-13, 18:55
Why have they suddenly stopped smoking and drinking emma?

06-06-13, 18:56
They refuse to drink now after what I did and mum has told me she's given up fags to. I can't move I'm tired I'm going to be like this forever arnt I?

06-06-13, 19:01
I smell something....

06-06-13, 19:05

06-06-13, 19:37
I would say that yes you can over sleep and the longer you stay in your pit the worse you will feel, I say get your backside out of that bed and get in the garden and get some fresh air as well.
And as for you cant move then go tell that to some one who is paraplegic and they will say swap places and I will show you how to move, if you are bored and cant find work then get volunteering, that's it proverbial slapped bot over, no more drinky poos for you xxx

06-06-13, 20:01
Haha I love what AlexandriaUK just wrote!!! Perfect!!

You don't really think you're going to be stuck like this forever do you??? Surely not! Unless the alcohol has damaged all your brain cells!!!

I didn't know this was a place to moan about hangovers too Lol!

Please stop trying to prove a point to your parents. I don't expect my parents to know or understand exactly how ill I am. As long as I know how unwell I feel and my GP knows and I'm getting the right medication and psychological inputs.

06-06-13, 20:04
I totally agree with what Steve is saying and Alexandria!

It is almost impossible to try and make other people understand about our mental health issues so I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve with your parents.

06-06-13, 23:24
Hi Emma
I am very shocked to see this post what did you wish to accomplish by wasting the hospitals time and resources
still if in fact you did go to hospital the surely you will get the psychological help you need so please take this help emma as clearly you feel you need it

I don't see why you haven't talked to your parents about all this as you have been very vocal about the fact that you tell your mum to stop smoking often enough

and please stop and think about the things you write on here as its not fair to people if you are just posting things to get people to feel sorry for you and miss leading them I like the way you manage to write in your post about what you've eaten even though the post has nothing to do with it

and good if your mum has given up smoking but if you have been glued to your bed you wouldn't have seen if she has or not in the last 3 days

please seek the help you clearly need or feel you need before you do something wrong and don't waste anymore hospital time people wait months for ct scans so if you did in fact have one how would you feel if you were someone who had to wait and see a drunk person getting one before you ?

take care frosty x

07-06-13, 06:36
Thank you.
Yes I took the referral to counselling that she gave me and offered me.
Not looking for symphony
Am going to work till 1 today but feel like I've been hit by a train so will sleep when I get home.is it cause I've slept for 48 hours straight near enough now?

---------- Post added at 06:36 ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 ----------

I also feel shaky and weak but managed breakfast.
My manager actually suggested I eat n drink as much as I could stomach to stop the shakiness.
I also told him about bullying at work which is now sorted.

07-06-13, 12:29
you can't move because you nearly drank yourself to death

IMNSHO you need a whole lot more water than 5 pints and then food

when i was in college i knew 19 year olds who took 2 days to bounce back from a binge like that. if you aren't 19, it will take longer.

i sincerely hope you are able to get in to talk to a therapist. you need to get control of whatever drove you to do this.

07-06-13, 13:38
Well said Alexandria. That's all I have to say.

07-06-13, 14:25
Been work. Feel better for it.
Have eaten but am so mind crushingly tired I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and am back in bed is this normal to feel like this three days after drinking?

---------- Post added at 14:25 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ----------

Want to try to stay awake until a normal time this evening . So sitting on sofa playing games on phone lol

07-06-13, 14:27
You seem very nonchalant about the whole thing, almost as if it was a big funny joke or that you can't understand exactly how bad what did was.

07-06-13, 16:28
I don't think it was a big joke.
I feel terrible for wasting hospital time. I don't think it's funny at all and no how stupid it was.

---------- Post added at 14:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

I'm just worried as to why I still feel shattered to death!

---------- Post added at 16:28 ---------- Previous post was at 14:31 ----------

Still so tired after a nap could just sleep again why :(?!

07-06-13, 16:32
Emma-everyone has told you why. I'm sorry but you aren't going to get much sympathy for having a hangover.

07-06-13, 16:36
I no I don't want symphony I just can't believe I feel like this days after

07-06-13, 16:41
Well I'm afraid that's what happens when you do that to yourself. You will just have to accept the physical consequences it has on your body. You are lucky you didn't do yourself any permanent damage so don't think you should be moaning about a bit of tiredness.

07-06-13, 16:43
I will do.
Just want to stay awake until a reasonable time nor though.
I'm not sure if its cause I over slept. Nearly 48 hours straight?

07-06-13, 17:00
"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere." ~Glenn Turner

07-06-13, 17:05
I was just gong to say I recognise the name Glenn turner but its from my quotes. Good quote.

07-06-13, 17:53
Got to say this because I work in the NHS, nobody wastes time, everyone is there for a reason and that reason is important to them.

07-06-13, 17:56
Hi I do feel awful for wasting nhs time over my stupidity and lack of self control as I know one but my self to blame

07-06-13, 18:05
Don't beat yourself up over it Emma.

There are members on here that in and out of A&E all the time and no-one seems to have a go at them about it!

Think of the positives - your parents have given up smoking and drinking and you have sorted out the work issues as well

07-06-13, 18:09
I think theirs a stereo typical thing against drunk people in hospital.
The last time I went to a and e for my self was well over 18 months ago I'm not in and out every week or every few weeks.
Yes I suppose so I just don't get how I'm still suffering from it. I'm sure it's cause I slept for 48 hours straight making me feel beyond shattered now.
Yes I suppose some positives came out of it.

07-06-13, 18:24
Well you shouldn't feel bad about using a service that is there for you when you are in need. If anyone in A&E made you feel that way they are not doing their job.

So many people end up there because of failings further down the line when the appropriate help is not offered in primary care.

Hope you are feeling better as time goes on.

07-06-13, 19:02
I totally agree you shouldn't beat yourself up about having to go to a&e. You obviously had enough alcohol to warrant going there and you are entitled to medical assistance when you need it just the same as the rest if us regardless of the circumstances.

07-06-13, 19:47
I'll try not to beat my self up over it anymore then :)

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:36 ----------

I really don't understand how I'm so tired though:( I'm getting really worried it can't be normal to be like this after two days straight sleep and still wanting to just sleep. Forcing my self to stay awake.

07-06-13, 20:34
Oh Emma, I'm very sorry to be reading this thread.

I'm in total agreement with Nic though here, you were at the hospital because you had a need to be there..........self inflicted.....well yes.......but that would be to just look on the surface and not much deeper down :)

Emma hun, you went out and got yourself dangerously drunk for a reason, a bit of a silly reason though, your doing that, will not make people understand what you're going through hun so that all you end up doing is creating yet another problem.......it's just not the answer and is not the route to go down :)

Emma when you feel like getting yourself drunk or hurting yourself in any other way, please just STOP!!........You sound like a very together girl and you sound like you can easily control what you do.........so in your head you have to tell yourself NO!!......then get a pen and a piece of paper and sit and write exactly what you think you're going to be gaining by taking that action?? how is it going to help you?? is it going to make you feel better or worse??

Then ask yourself if there is another way that you could tackle how you're feeling at that moment??

I think you really need to chat to your therapist and tell them what you did and why you did it, then work through with them other things that you can do on a more positive note :)

I think you done great by going back into work. It seems to me that you need to try filling your own time up a bit hun, it seems to be when you're at home for a period of time that you get swept away with this negative stuff.

Do you have any hobbies at all ?? Have you got friends that you can go out with maybe to the cinema, a meal or something like that??

But Emma you need to learn to put "Emma" first at times. Your parents are both responsible adults who are very able to look after themselves, they will also know the health risks involved with the smoking and drinking, but that is THEIR decision to make, physically hurting yourself or getting so drunk that you put your own life in danger, is NOT going to make them change, they have to do that of their own free will :)

You, on the other hand, need to be concentrating on "you", you are very young and you have your whole life ahead of you, think of all the lovely things that you can do :)

So please get the help that "you" need and leave others to sort themselves out.

It's your life Emma......grab it with both hands..........enjoy it......live it.............go get em girl :D :hugs:

07-06-13, 23:28
Really fantastic advice from AM, totally agree and hope it helps you Emma x

08-06-13, 08:35
Thanks am great advise.
No real hobbies no. I just got my bike fixed so have been going out on that some more to try and get some fresh air and some exercise.
Of to New York on holiday in just Ovee five months now aswell :D
I do have two Friends one who I see often and we go to the cinema etc etc.
I am glad they had someone from the mental health team speak to me in hospital that day.

I've woken up this morning still very fatigued, I am getting more and more worried now surely I still shouldn't feel like I can't move this was Tuesday?

08-06-13, 10:01
Emma, when I was 14 I drank for the first time. Only I went too far, drank a half bottle of vodka and had to get my stomach pumped. It took me a good 2 weeks to feel human again. And taught me a very valuable lesson about alcohol :) x

08-06-13, 10:13
Yes.im never drinking again ever ever ever again.
Going to keep busy today and go to bed at a normal time. Hopefully I'll feel more human as each day goes by :(

---------- Post added at 10:13 ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 ----------

Did you feel mind numblingly tired for those two weeks?
I still have a headache but drinking loads and eating normally now.

08-06-13, 10:33
I remember I was flat on my back on the sofa watching telly the whole two weeks and not much use for anything. Don't worry you'll be fine, your liver is just working over time to clean up your system and is making you feel tired. x

08-06-13, 12:08
Thanks I've had hang overs before and they've always gone within the next day so this is why I'm so confused as to why I feel like crap.
All I want to do is mop around and watch tele but I can't as I have work Monday again etc and am out today.
Also I've drunk more than this before and been fine the next day so I'm so confused.

---------- Post added at 11:04 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

I'm awfully scared that I should see a doctor I have been having two litres of fluids a day and still have a headache so badly and feel sick and tired and nauseas still.

---------- Post added at 11:26 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

I am shaking to death and really scared also one kidney area is hurting like hell! I'm out but feel like I'm gonna collapse

---------- Post added at 11:42 ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 ----------

I'm so so so scared I feel like I'm dying literally.
Meant to be going to nans how am I gonna cope :(

---------- Post added at 12:08 ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 ----------

My urine is clear to with just a slight yellow tinge so I can't be that dehydrated can I?

08-06-13, 20:40
Gave into sleep two hours ago, feel asleep again just woke up, still just as tired am I ever going to wake up again? :(

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

Still got a banging headache as well. So worried :(

11-06-13, 19:24
I was just wondering how you were and have you recovered from this now
and have you had any help from professionals on this now or any follow ups
if not please make sure you get to see someone about your problems don't let yourself get to that point again
frosty x

15-06-13, 15:17
Hi frosty.
Just seen this.
I am feeling my self now.
It took until last Saturday evening to feel slight well again then sunday when I woke up I felt loads better.
Mum and dad did have a drink last night. First one in over a week. Dad would normally be drinking all day,.
Thanks for asking :)

---------- Post added at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 14:17 ----------

Oh I got refered for counselling at the hospital frosty