View Full Version : Loose stools tmi!

06-06-13, 18:38
I have had "loose" stools 3 times today.
2 this morning and 1 just now.
Its not water but its abit watery, mainly just soft and comes out very fast.
I did have a dinner with ginger, tumeric and garlic yesterday.
I had a little look and there were flecks of red in there, I have had red peppers and tomatoes yesterday but worried its blood.
Any help?

06-06-13, 18:44
The red specks are definitely bits of food. I get that all the time, from anything to carrots to lettuce. Gross but true! Did you have any smears of blood when you wiped? If so, that would be indicative of hemorrhoids or a tear. Internal bleeding would appear as black stool.

Could have been that the dinner was just too spicy for your system and it's making everything pass through quickly. I wouldn't be too concerned unless it goes on for a week or more with no relief. :hugs:

07-06-13, 07:43
And again this morning...
Any idea what this could be?
I only had sausage chips and beans last night :-(

Today theyre just soft and easily pass though

07-06-13, 10:06
Could be IBS

07-06-13, 11:00
Could be IBS, maybe you should try and eat low fat bland foods for a couple of days and see if things improve. That's what I do when I have an IBS flare up and it passes and things return to normal quicker