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View Full Version : living alone?

06-06-13, 21:14
Hi everybody,
I am suffering of high anxiety that brings me to depressive states.
It's long time already, never diagnosed depressed, but now yes.
I am taking medication, doing therapy, mindfulness.

I've been able to move to a new country and get a good job, good career.

But when I have my crisis I am scared to live alone.
I can't.
I need people to support me.

And I don't know how to do that.. now poor my father came from my country to stay with me, and I am scared when he will leave.

I feel like a child... and I hate it.. I am 31!

How do you cope living alone with those problems?

06-06-13, 21:31
Distraction is the only thing that helps me... I don't sit dwelling, over thinking ... I get up and go do something.. Start enjoying your own company..

06-06-13, 22:09
Try to take it step by step maybe put an action plan into place have crisis numbers be it friends or professionals that you have to hand easily should you need it.

Try to spend time even whilst your father is with you alone. Find out what relaxes you what interests you and always have a task that you can do if feeling vulnerable.

Speak to people to find out who will be available for you should you have a crisis in the middle of the night or early hours these can be scary for you so find out in advance who will be there to call.

Step by step and finally don't forget NMP members are often feeling the same so try out using chat to get support. Good luck :)

06-06-13, 22:52
Thanks for the answers :)
Yes I have few friends, but as when I have anxiety I don't sleep for days I cannot call them every day :D
I love to have people living in the house, but hey, not always possible.

I was wondering more if there are people living in general with those issues and if you think this affect how you feel... if it would be different not beeing alone..


07-06-13, 00:42
Yes it can be different depending on what brings on the crisis moments. If you feel safe then you are less likely to feel so anxious.

But everyone is different so you must just concentrate on what works for you and hey rotate the friends then won't be so bad .... take care and stay positive :)