View Full Version : Facing something I shouldve faced....

the dude
03-10-06, 00:18
So I've had certain symptoms (not going to name them) for a while. Frankly, ever since I was a child. I saw a program as a child where someone had similar symptoms and ever since then I've been TERRIFIED to confront this.
Frankly, going to a doctor tomorrow to face this is making me feel ill to my stomach right now. Worst case scenario is a serious disease, another is necessary surgery, less serious involved other conditions/diseases that I could deal with. But ever since I was a child I didnt want to find out the worst case...so I never bothered to bring it up. and now I'm hoping I didnt just really hurt myself by not confronting this when I was about 10, and not 22....ugh. I'm thinking this is where a lot of my anxiety mightve come from actually. Keeping this bottled up for about 12 years.

The worst part is the fact that I waited and it mightve been something that mightve been easily dealt with back then that mightve turned into an issue now.

I'm just terrified really.
I know I shouldnt be focusing on this, but the "what if's" have been bad habits for me since elementarys chool and I still need to work on really hard to break.

I had no one to vent to because I dont feel like worrying myself anymore or my friends.

03-10-06, 01:04

I think you are being very brave in facing up to something you have been avoiding for so long! Good luck tomorrow!!

Hugs to you


03-10-06, 21:23
Well done for deciding to talk to the doctor about this. Try to write down the key points that worry you so you don't forget to ask while you're there. There's nothing like stress to make you forget things!

Good luck at the doctors.


03-10-06, 22:43
You are being very brave pat yourself on the back you are going too the doctors and getting help. Just remember we are here to help!! Please take insomniacs advise and write down everything that you need to say to your doctor it really helps. Come back and tell us how you got on.

Hugs to you

Mel xxx

03-10-06, 23:00

Well done for being so brave!!

I've bottled certain things up for too long and i know if i could free my issues it would be some relief, and im sure it will be some relief for you!

Good Luck with everything!


the dude
04-10-06, 00:37
thanks so much for the responses!
I went today and although I didnt quite have questions answered, at least I'm on the track to finding out whats been going on. The doctor gave me a script to get a loooot of bloodwork, and a CT of the abdomen/pelvis. and on top of that a scan of my chest due to my asthma. hah

I'm still a bit worried...but I guess it comes with the territory. No one goes to a hospital for a bunch of bloowork and tests without any anxiety.

On top of that, I fee like i have the flu. bleh

04-10-06, 03:29
well done for making it to the appointment. It is a great start!


04-10-06, 12:53
Well done for going to the doctors and making the first steps towards working out your problems!
You really are so brave well done and i do hpe everything works out for you!
Let us know how you get on!
Good Luck!