View Full Version : Please help

06-06-13, 21:59
Long story short have very bad depression. Take 20mg citolopram per day. I am on the verge of hurting myself. I'm 33 male. Living in uk London. Me and girlfriend been fighting a lot cos of how I am.

I think we have just broken up and I can't ****ing cope man. I can't stop crying even typing this. I just want help. I want to ****ing take this pain away. Why was I born with this.

06-06-13, 22:14
So sorry to hear what you are going through, how long have you been on the Cit?

Please don't do anything silly, call the emergency services if you feel that you are in danger of harming yourself. You are experiencing very negative thoughts...there are a lot of supportive members here that will help you through your bad times with genuine care and many who have felt like you do now and come through it.

You can and you will get through this, please, please get some professional help if you really feel that bad. Kitti :)

06-06-13, 22:18
who knows what makes one fish blue and another orange. Ramon Calm down you don't even know if your relationhsip has ended but if you want to win her back this is not the way...

Do you have anyone to talk to tonight over the telephone or someone who will pop round? Let you talk it out and put things into prospective again....

Life is a tester for us all and often it takes us to our limit.. you say little of what makes you think you have broken up other than arguments so it is hard to say anything in relation to your relationship; however we all know what anguish fellow sufferers go through ups and downs our rollercoaster life try talking first how long have you been on Citolopram are you still early days?

06-06-13, 22:26
Been on it for about year now. I am trying to relax but I am really struggling. I have had a fit of sobbing and now I feel I need to be sick.

I just wish it would leave me. I would not wish depression on my worst enemy

06-06-13, 22:33
Ok, so it's not start up side effects from Cit, you are just having a tough time atm.

Talk to someone if you can, it may help, or try some distraction therapy...I am sure things will look different tomorrow. Take care ok.

06-06-13, 22:42
Thanks for being here guys. Really means something. I will keep you posted and make effort with the community.

Xxx thanks again

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:40 ----------

Ya know this site needs an APP. If there is one please let me know. It would be something I use everyday and I think many others would too

06-06-13, 22:53
Ramon there is nothing else I can say that others haven't already said so I will just send some virtual hugs :hugs::hugs: and please remember there is always light at the end of a tunnel and you will get through this.

06-06-13, 22:54
Well done, you sound more positive already :yesyes:

Oh, and welcome to the community too :welcome: lol

I think an app has been mentioned before, not sure why it wasn't done...but yeah, great idea!