View Full Version : Anyone else obsess?

06-06-13, 23:47
Well, as I've mentioned before, my big HA issue is my breasts. I obsess over everything to do with them - every pore, mark, mole etc found a large open pore this evening up near my collar bone. Of course I think it's a sign of dimpling. Argh!

Ladies - anyone else go through the same issues with their boobs?

07-06-13, 00:40
I do. My mom's sister died from inflammatory bc when I was 18 and it has freaked me out ever since. I have been obsessing about my left breast for 2 weeks now, waiting to get seen at the breast center and I'm having a really hard time. That breast has been hurting more than the other and now a little pink spot has come up on it. I'm breastfeeding so my breasts can change multiple times a day but these two things are not related so they worry me.

10-10-14, 20:29
Yesssss I do!! I was just at my gyno office because of it. I thought I felt a lump she told me it was breast tissue but offered to send me for an ultrasound anyway. It eased my mind for the time being and I didnt take them up on the ultrasound. Now I think I see dimpling by the nipple but cant tell if its that or a shadow. I have my yearly exam next week so I am going to ask about it then.

I am constantly looking and feeling them. I don't know what I am trying to find but I can't stop myself :(