View Full Version : The No More Panic Gardens 2013. What Are You Growing ?

07-06-13, 01:41
The No More Panic Garden Room!

Show us your pics....what are you growing this year ?


---------- Post added at 01:41 ---------- Previous post was at 01:29 ----------

Well we have a communal garden where I live but it's only really me and my next door neighbour that look after it :)

It's like a little haven for us to sit in :D

Anyway this is what we've got growing so far this year and my pride of place has to be the Lavender. I've not had much luck with Lavender in the past but I believe that this year I've cracked it at last :D






07-06-13, 09:06
I have a communal garden too but I'm not very green fingered like you. I have one little sunflower and a couple of dragon snaps in my little patch!

07-06-13, 22:06
I bought some new pots today for my Azalea and lavender today and I planted some Strawberry plants.


07-06-13, 22:21
I am mainly growing dandelions at the moment, but I would like to be growing a few vegetables. I do have one surviving bean plant and a 3-foot leek though!

I will take some photos to show you, but not now as it's dark :)

07-06-13, 22:29
I'm planting sme radishes in a short while, will post a photo when the shoots appear! Also, my cutting of Harry Cactus should be doing well but it's up in Bristol and hopefully not being overwatered by granddad's silly cleaners.

Granny Primark
07-06-13, 23:02
We are growing a knome.:D
We call him Danny.:D
We bought him from Asda and he was 39 inches tall and he lives by our little pond.
Weve been away for a week so Im hoping that my daughter fed him.:shrug:

07-06-13, 23:05
Lynn...You mean you left your Gnome home alone!! That surely is cruelty to gnomes :scared15:

07-06-13, 23:11
This thread has given me an amazing idea!!!

I might buy some seeds to grow some fruit or veg! It will get me out the house, give me something to do etc.

08-06-13, 00:22
oh I so wish I could grow something lol im in a flat with a communal garden that is not allowed anything to be put in it grrrr we have no balcony's and are not allowed to put anything on our landings and I have one windowsill that's tiny and in the kitchen behind the sink oh never mind happy growing people keep up with the pictures it is good to see
frosty xx

08-06-13, 00:42
Wow! Loving the responses :D

Annie I love Azaleas, we have 2 but the blooms seem to be a poor show this year, think it must be the strange weather we've had.
Yours looks like a French Lavender? I've never had a go at growing one of those yet. Do they smell strongly of Lavender?

Edie we've had our fair share of dandelions too.....they seem to be the plants that are growing really well this year.......maybe we should all just start dandelion gardens..........we'd be a hit :roflmao:

PanchoGoz hope your radishes do well, we're only growing a few strawberries this year in the edible plant range. Remember the pics cos we loves pics :D

Lynn!!! hang your head in shame!!..........abandoning a gnome in his hour of need :scared15: I hope you make it up to him big time, did you get him a pressie??? :roflmao:

Steve go for it!! that's the spirit!! I find it really good therapy and so interesting to watch too, don't forget the pics when you get going :)

Rennie no that's no excuse!! :winks: you can still take some pics of the sunflower and snap dragons :D Are you going to see how high your sunflower will grow? My kids used to love doing that every year :D

Frosty aww what a shame that you aren't allowed to grow anything there. Our Housing Association loves us to plant and grow things, they even hold a best garden competition each year. Never mind anyway, you can enjoy our gardens with us :D

Oh I forgot to mention that we're having yet another go at Pumpkins this year. Last year was a complete let down, the plants flowered really well but didn't produce one bit of fruit :weep: So fingers crossed for this year :)

Hugs to all :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs: :bighug1:

Granny Primark
08-06-13, 03:28
We bought our Danny back some shells off the beach and a solar powered angel. Hes a lot brighter now cus he doesnt like the dark.:D:D:D

08-06-13, 09:12
Lovely pictures.
Alas we have no grass but flowers we have in borders. Sweet William just blooming and lily of the valley, clematis, poppies, lavender, we have a flower that is climbing up the wooden terrace. forgot the name, two tall roses budding.
Wish I could do pictures, maybe one day some one will buy me a digital camera!!!??
Have a nice day :flowers:

08-06-13, 09:52
Aw, I don't have a garden :( But I am taking tree cuttings and cultivating some indoor bonsai. I had a 5 year old bonsai tree which was my pride and joy but my dog ate it lol x

08-06-13, 13:32
I'm back at my dads in Sunny Cornwall. He has a lovely back garden that's sheltered from the wind but gets a nice dose of sunshine.

I would love to grow something that I can eat! There is no greenhouse here though.

Can one of my greenfingered friends make some great suggestions for me? I'll order online straight away then and get to work!!

Steven x

08-06-13, 14:23
Hi from Penzance Steve, radishes are really easy, especially french breakfast radishes and they will form in about 2 weeks to a month! You don't need a green house, just fork out a patch of the lawn and look for some compost under a grass pile, or buy some. Plus they have a really refreshing nutty taste with a kick, lovely chopped up in a salad or in sandwiches.
I've got a load of radish seeds today and done just that, will plant them this evening when it's cooler :)

08-06-13, 14:32
:emot-puke: Not the biggest radish fan but I'm not surprised someone from Penzance is hahah :) Joke :)

Might buy one of those tiny greenhouse things and grow tomatos!

08-06-13, 14:34
You can plant a lot of veg seeds outside now steve or buy it as small plants ready to put out now in the garden, then no need for a greenhouse.

My runner beans and peas are coming on nicely now

08-06-13, 14:38
Steveo why not buy some tomato plants and grow them in pots or gro bag?

I have only got a little garden but I love it, have got some cherry tomatoes growing in pots along with herbs.

08-06-13, 18:26
Here is my vegetable patch, have planted some curly kale and coriander, and put in seeds for some mixed salad leaves at the back left and sparkler radishes all along the front :)

08-06-13, 21:12
Steveo Strawberries are really easy to grow outside. I bought a few strawberry plants and put them in a terracotta strawberry planter.

08-06-13, 21:21

My Strawberry plants

08-06-13, 21:39
These are fantastic ideas!!! I will be getting on this tomorrow!!!! I will post pictures too :)

08-06-13, 22:32
Oh I'm loving our green fingered gang :D

Believe me, it's a wonderful therapy and keeps you nicely occupied and out of mischief.......not that I ever get into mischief :emot-pinochio: :roflmao:

:kewlpics:keep em coming :)

I never made it into the garden today, had too much boring indoors stuff to do, but hopefully get out there tomorrow :)

Whatever you do, just have fun :hugs: