View Full Version : Daily anxiety and panic

Mrs Anxious
07-06-13, 08:33
I don't know if anyone can help I haven't been on here for a few weeks, I have been suffering quite bad just lately. I'm having daily symptoms my heart feels like its beating to fast I feel like I'm trembling but I'm not its just on the inside and I am having daily panic attacks mainly when I am due to go to bed...

A couple of things to mention my citalopram was upped from 20 mg to 40 mg a month ago, for the first few weeks I was ok but now this has started and I also quit cigarettes 3 weeks ago I don't know if this is having an effect I just feel lousy tho and don't know which way to turn... Thanks for listening x

07-06-13, 08:40
Mrs anxious,

I am getting this at the moment. I have got back into the bad habit of constantly checking my pulse. It is def beating too fast once I am up and about. It is also accompanied by tightness and sore left armpit.

I keep trying to tell myself that I have had this for months and try to ignore it whenever possible.

Easier said than done though. One day, I hope it will go.

Hope you feeling better today.

Mrs Anxious
07-06-13, 08:48
Hi Charlie,

Thanks for ur reply, it really is awful, I am getting into a state about going to bed at night now I just wish I knew why it has started i am on 40mg citalopram I should be happy as larry :( maybe I should have a cigarette... Oh I don't know, this all sucks.... Take care xx

07-06-13, 21:04
Hi folks, know exactly how your feeling. I've had this for 12 years and was doing fine on and off until last October, now back worse than ever! Every day, all day. Back to CBT again. Diazepam does help but I know this can be overcome without it but its just so scary at the moment. I'm on Mirtazapine 45mg and have been for about three years but doc thinks its time to try something new, so fingers crossed. Thing is, been here and done it before so should know i can do it again but it can be so difficult. Sorry to go on, its good to get it out. Hope you are ok :) Take care