View Full Version : New. Anxiety

07-06-13, 09:03
Hi, I have been reading over people views, I have suffered from anxiety for a couple of years I was put on fluoxetine and had CBS therapy back in 2010. I came off the tablets over a year ago. The last 3 weeks I felt the physical symptoms back, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, sweaty palms, just feeling generally on edge all the time and went back to see my go who put me back on the tabs 20mg a day. I have been taken them for the last 3 weeks but don't know if I feel any better and if the symptoms I'm suffering are side effects to the meds or just my anxiety. I know things get worse before they get better, but its hard to explain to people who have never suffered from anxiety. I just feel stupid most of the time because I know I shouldn't feel like this. Reading over people's views today as made me realise that I'm not the only one and maybe I just need to give myself some extra time to get myself back to the normal me, which I really want to do. My problems are worse in the morning as I wake up in an anxiety state at around 4 in the morning and it just is a horrible start to the day. I still am going to work and trying to do my everyday things just trying to take my time and not rush as much. Any advice would be appreciated. Xx

Mrs G
07-06-13, 09:18
Hi there Im new here too. You are certainly not alone. I came off my tablets and think I will need to go back on them. Anxiety is an illness. I might have to be on tablets for the rest of my life. I think the doctor did once said to me I had low levels of something in the my brain or some kind of chemical inbalance in the brain which basically makes you much more susceptible to amxiety/depression.

This seems like a really good site for support and advice.

I have heard that antidepressants can take up to about 6 weeks to get back in your system though but I would think you definately start to see an improvement over the next couple of weeks.

07-06-13, 10:07
Personally I would take the tablets prescribed for at least the time suggested by the GP, but also don't be afraid to ask for a change in medication if the side effects are too severe. (I took Prozac a while back but it made my anxiety much worse).
Everyone reacts differently to medications; they are definitely not an exact science but have their place in our treatment along with counselling/psychotherapy. It isn't true to say that you should see an improvement after 2 weeks - it can take much longer.

Mrs G
07-06-13, 10:45
Oh ok I was only going on my own experience and what Ive heard as well. Like Jdean saying though everyone is different but anytime Ive been put on antidepressants i have noticed a difference after about 6 weeks. Im pretty new here though

07-06-13, 11:09
I'm going to continue at the moment as its only been 3 weeks And I'm sure it took longer than that for the symptoms to fade before. I'm sure the anxiety jus makes me more anxious about the way I feel and my brain goes into overdrive. I know if will shift and I will start to feel better, just horrible waking every morning with the physical feelings and anxiety. Thanks for the advice guys, it's nice to know other people's opinions who suffer with anxiety. Xx

Mrs G
07-06-13, 11:27
It is a horrible thing.The kind of feelings you describe are very similar to what Im like when my anxiety gets bad. I sometimes do Yoga in the house and have self-relaxation cds which I listen to which do help me some of the time, admittedly though not always when its bad. Hope this gets better for you soon :)

07-06-13, 15:33
Thanks I have got Relaxation CDs and anxiety self help books, sometimes these help but other times I just cant relax enough for them to work. I think im just having a bad couple of days and things can only improve with time. Just wish sometimes there was a magic cure to make it all go away. Thanks fo5 your support it is great to hear support from people as I don't have a lot from family members and don't want to put to much pressure on my partner as I feel I don't want to make him feel bad for me. xx