View Full Version : Concern for a neighbour (with a mental illness)

07-06-13, 09:03
I've known for a while that my neighbour isn't well. I've been told that he talks to the birds and walks around the estate in the middle of the night. Yesterday he went to my boyfriend's bookies and acted very energetic and talking at a million miles an hour. He said two things of concern, the first that if he doesn't move around (i.e. moving houses) he wants to kill himself and, more worryingly, he has stopped taking his medication.

I don't know what's wrong with the guy but I am very concerned about his health and welfare. I want him to get the care he deserves and needs before he harms himself and I don't know who to contact. Could someone point me in the right direction?

07-06-13, 10:51
Not sure about this. Maybe ring MIND or social services for some advice.

07-06-13, 17:42
Oh dear, poor guy sounds like he really needs some help.

If you happen to know who his GP is, you can call them. They cannot discuss him with you for reasons of confidentiality, but you can discuss him with them.

I think Bernie's suggestion to contact MIND would be a good one. They would know who are the right people to contact.

Of course, if you ever find out he is in any imminent danger, you can dial 999. I really hope it never comes to this though!

07-06-13, 20:59
Hi there,

How lovely that you are caring and looking after this guys safely and well being :D

If you look online at your local Mental Health Services.......there should be something called "The Crisis Team" there will be a number there where you can reach them. It's a 24 hour, 7 days a week service so there is always someone there to take your call, usually a Mental Health Nurse or a CPN :)

Chances are that he may well be known to them anyway so they will be able to pull his notes and take it from there.

Failing that, as has been said, if you are concerned about either his own safely or the safely of others, you can just dial 999 and ask for the police, they will know what to do :) :hugs:

07-06-13, 21:31
Thanks for the helpful advice. I'll give MIND a call on Sunday, I would do it tomorrow but I have a very long, stressful shift.