View Full Version : New to the forum. Anxiety and depression

07-06-13, 10:08
Hi all, I'm new here too, I have anxiety and depression (again). I've been through this before, I know it will all be ok eventually, but right now I am really struggling and obviously don't feel like it's going to be ok at all. Nevermind, I do my best, one day at a time, going to work (have no option to do otherwise) and just trying to cope and minimise the damage done until it's all over. In the meantime, I joined here because I have very little helpful support from the people around me and I need to talk to people who "get it". I feel emotionally drained and physically exhausted, I have quite a few things going on beyond my control, and I somehow need to find that strength to go on.
I've done my reading around the forum already. Congratulations on your great work.
I also just started on citalopram. Had tried it again in the past, worked wonders for me, with few side effects. Let's hope the same thing will happen again.

Cheers :)

07-06-13, 10:23
Hi Eydokia hope that you find lots of support on here :welcome:

07-06-13, 10:27

Mrs G
07-06-13, 10:48
Hello im new too :)

07-06-13, 11:18
Hi Mrs G! Noticed your intro post, seems like we have similar situations going on. I too have all sorts of things going on (at work, at home etc). And it all came so sudden.. Don't you feel sometimes that someone's playing a bad joke on you?

Mrs G
07-06-13, 13:57
Hi eydokia, yeah I know exactly what you mean :) things always seen to happen at the same time dont they and you feel like you are juggling some many different things at the same time. Like you my work/home situation not great at the moment. I have my good days and my bad days. Wednesday and Thursday werent very good days but today has been better. :)

07-06-13, 17:35
Hi im new too, I joined this site as I felt I had no one to talk to about my anxiety as people don't understand what they cant see or experienced. Im on Fluoxtine 20mg but as I have only been on them for 3 weeks im not sure if they are working but after reading everyone elses advise I realise that I just have to continue and hopefully it will all sort out in the end. I feel this is step forward actually talking to people whom suffer the same and hopefully all together with everyones advice we can all pull through. xx