View Full Version : Hello

07-06-13, 10:51
Hi all,

Just discovered this excellent site so decided to join up. Had a panic attack in August 2012 following some traumatic times in my life and have had bad anxiety ever since. I do not take meds and I am just trying to work out how I am going to get better. Progress has been made since last year so I am getting there but definitely not there yet. Still suffer daily but not as bad as I was 6 months ago.

Take care all and chat soon.

07-06-13, 10:57
Hi Leem,

Welcome to the site and I'm sorry to hear about the anxiety you suffer with. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

As you said you don't want to take meds perhaps you could ask your GP for a referral fr therapy.

A link here for a free online CBT course http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131664 worth giving it a go, it's helped a few on here.

Mrs G
07-06-13, 11:06
Hi there :welcome:

08-06-13, 00:35
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.