View Full Version : Tight band and crawling sensations on forehead?

07-06-13, 11:21
Hi all,
New to the site so been busy flicking through posts and reading. Great stuff! I have had GAD since August 2012 and have gone through CBT but do not take meds, yet.

I am just wondering if anyone has ever got a tight band like feeling in the forehead and crawling sensations on the forehead as a result of anxiety? Basically these sensations are quite new to me. Around 6 weeks ago I went to a very stressful (I thought) interview with some company directors. I was mega anxious the night before and woke up with this tightness in my forehead and what I perceive as a stress type headache at the front of my head. When the headache abated I was left with this crawling (like an insect crawling) and tightness in my forehead with sort of cold streaks occasionally running down my face. It was not totally debilitating but more worrying and annoying. This feeling remained for about 4 days after, fairly constant and only died down when I was focussed on other things.

Over the past few weeks I have once again attended several meetings and ‘one offs’ where I have been under the spot light and highly anxious and these sensations have returned. It is once again like a tight band around my forehead, just above the eyes with like a crawling sensation also present at times, I have no headache though. I have had this for around 3 weeks now on about 95% of the days.

I have visited the doctor about this who did basic tests, blood pressure, walking in straight line, vision etc.. I also had an eye test and new glasses shortly before the first occasion happened. The doctor and I agreed that because of the timing of these sensations that they are probably related to anxiety/stress.

Has anyone out there ever experienced similar symptoms due to anxiety/stress? I don’t mind the symptoms but when they go on 3 weeks plus they are starting to make me more anxious which is flippin contributing to it I guess :wacko:.

Thanks for reading the ever so slightly long post :)

07-06-13, 12:53
Hi m8, these are classic symptons of anxiety I get that band around the forehead feeling and crawling,tickling sensations in the head, I find having a little scratch there usually sorts it out for me.
I also get a soreness just above the base of my skull, don't worry about it to much it will subside over time, be patient all that adrenaline and other chemicals in your brain that are temporarily out of whack will sort themselves out over time.
Be strong stay relaxed, good luck

07-06-13, 14:25
Hi Clint and thanks for the reply,

Yeah I am pretty 'ok' with most of the symptoms, most of them I kinda expect and I look at them with interest. This one is actually more annoying than painful due to the fact it has lasted so long. But I guess that is the trap isn't it? Start getting annoyed = anxiety = annoyance = more anxiety and so on... Darn thing. :wacko:

tight band
23-06-15, 15:51
I have had a variation of this head pressure for 9 months now. It becomes very depresng. I do find that meditation and exercise help a bit. i know only time will heal my brain but its still very hard. Anyone have any other suggertions

23-06-15, 17:15
I get the tightness around my head too - I call it the 'headcrush' .
It definitely seems to be related to concentrated thoughts, as when I relax completely & have free flowing thoughts the tightness goes away.

05-08-15, 15:46
I've been getting crawling sensations on the top of my head the last few weeks. Is it a common symptom of anxiety?

05-09-15, 11:14
Been very tense over the past few weeks, and for the past few days I've had this mix of tightness and crawling around my head. It's one of a sequence of physical symptoms I've had so I'm putting it down to anxiety. Need to be patient with it (easier said than done ):)