View Full Version : early mornings?

03-10-06, 06:39
Does anyone else wake up really early in the mornings and cant get back to sleep?I wake up at about 4am with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and lay there sweating & worrying bout anything and everything.
Some days I feel as though I ahve this anxiety cracked then it all falls apart.

tell me i'm not the only one

03-10-06, 07:54
Yes, I do that too. Or I do as I am right now, still up at 2:00am even though I took my sleeping pill 4 hours. If I having problems getting to sleep the magic number is usually 2am and if I'm already asleep its 3-4am that I usually get back up at. And then there are the nights when I don't sleep at all due to PA's.

Think happy thoughts.....cheers.

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-U are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.

03-10-06, 09:03
You are not alone.
Its not so early for me, but
when i wake sometimes the anxiety hits straight away!

Hay x

03-10-06, 09:10
hi fiona

most nights i wake up in the middle of the night and am wide awake, i am getting kind of used to it now, but its not nice. i hope your sleep improves for you

mandy xx

positive attitude brings positive results

kate H
03-10-06, 12:15
I used to wake up at exactly 4pm every nite on the dot!!! It has subsuded now but it used to crack me up!

Very difficult to get back to sleep i know but no you are not alone!


****You can never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them to fly in formation ****

03-10-06, 12:49
I wake up round about than too! The worst thing is it takes me ages to get back off and then I am usually in a really deep sleep at 6.30 when the alarm scares the hell out of me. I then spend the day witha muzzy head and feeling really awful. What's so special about 4 am I wonder? I think my bladder is often to blame. I would love a night without having to get out to the loo!!
take care, just think of all the rest of us lying there staring at the ceiling like you and you won't feel so alone.


03-10-06, 13:26
You are certainly not the only one, Fiona.

But we all have variations on this theme. Cannot remember I last went to sleep at say 12, and slept through until 8.

Of course, worrying about it just makes it worse..



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

03-10-06, 15:42
hi fiona

you are not alone. i wake up early and i can't get back to sleep. i find my mind will not switch off. just goes from one worrying thought to another! and i start to feel quite panicky. if i do drift off back to sleep i keep waking up with a start!! its horrible.

03-10-06, 22:38
[8D]i have no problem going to sleep i usually go to bed between 11-12pm but waken at around 7 oclock with awfull fears in my head i dont know what or where they come from,this happens every morning its terrifieing i dont know if its medication or just general anxiety,but i get up have breakfast and try to get on with the day as best i can,anyone else feel like this?


03-10-06, 22:42
[8D]i have no problem going to sleep i usually go to bed between 11-12pm but waken at around 7 oclock with awfull fears in my head i dont know what or where they come from,this happens every morning its terrifieing i dont know if its medication or just general anxiety,but i get up have breakfast and try to get on with the day as best i can,anyone else feel like this?


04-10-06, 10:22
Hi Fiona, You are 100% not alone with this. It is something a lot of people with anxiety and panic experience.

The night before, you can be convinced that you are over the worst and ready to face a new day with zest - and then you wake the following morning feeling like all that positivity is lost.

I find it helps to get straight out of bed as soon as I am awake. That way, I don't do the whole 'thinking about the day ahead' thing.

This is not easy to do in the least as the temptation is to stay in bed, not moving to wait for the feelings to settle down. They won't, until you do something that distracts you away from your negative thinking.

Hope you are realise you have the strength to overcome this.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance

04-10-06, 18:15
i am the same

cant get to sleep til about 1 or 2am
then wake up with a pounding heart at 5am


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

05-10-06, 11:28
Wonder why 4am.I'm on the other side of the world and it's 4am for me too!

Don't believe everything you think.

05-10-06, 12:21
at the moment im well no scary feelings but 4 months ago i got one of my funny states and i used to wake up at 7.am on the dot and that used to freak me out coz im not used to waking up till about 8, i started to obsess about it. and i couldnt just lie there used to feel all restless and had to walk around but didnt ever know what to do with myself. horrible horrible but it does go thankfully. bev
