View Full Version : Irregular heartbeat earlier; can't calm down

07-06-13, 19:32
I was walking to the bathroom in the park, and after i stopped I started feeling my heart pounding. Felt my pulse and it was totally irregular for a few seconds. This has happened once before after mild exertion (the only kind I've been able to do lately). It passed in a few seconds both times, but can't help but worry it won't sometime :weep: Been checked out by hospitals and cardiologists and at this point the only terrible heart thing I know of that would fit my symptoms would be heart failure, which I've apparently been checked for. But still all I want to do is go back to hospital.

I've been getting terrible twitches and pulsations all over the past few days so maybe it's no wonder my heart is 'twitching' as well, but I worry it'll get into a dangerous rhythm sometime. Anyone else had runs of irregular beat?

07-06-13, 20:48
My mum has artial fibrillation , irregular heart beat..she's been on warfarin for years...

07-06-13, 21:16
Hello :) they're probably harmless palpitations I've suffered with them ever since pregnancy, some days I get one, others I get ten. When u have been checked by doctors u MUST believe in them. Or it can take over your life. Panic, anxiety, caffeine, stress, nicotine and hormones can cause them , and so can worrying about them. The more we focus on one part of our body, the more sensations we feel there, try swallowing 6 times in a row... Throat feels weird huh? That's cos ur concentrating on that set of muscles ;) our bodies are very fine tuned. And just like some people get tension headaches, we can get tension palpitations . Try and forget them , and when they come welcome them and let them go. Easier said than done I know x hugs, 50

08-06-13, 15:10
Thanks for the replies; I know that during times of stress, palps can be brought on by physical activity as well as anxiety. My mom had that too; apparently it's cos of the extra adrenaline of physical activity, and when your heart's trying to slow down afterwards in particular you can have skipped beats. Still scary though :-(

08-06-13, 16:09
So many theories as to why these things occur - some of us have stomach issues (acid and so on) some low electrolytes, some from stress and worry - you have to get the checks, the all clear...and then all we can so is work out our own triggers.