View Full Version : hard times again

07-06-13, 21:38
Hi don't even know where to start with it all I've had stress test and holster monitor done and have been told my heart is fine only thing diagnosed was PVCs but have constant pain in chest my stomach feels like it drops like wen u go on rollercoaster I get popping feelings in chest even in stomach so of course I start thinking there's something they've missed .I suffer with leg pains so I think it clot and there's no other reason why leg hurts I had dimmer test done yesterday and it was fine but because I was immobile for hours yesterday my head is telling me that I've developed one .I was on drip so I couldn't move anyway. Sorry for long rant just can't understand why my head won't acknowledge that I'm OK........:blush: anyone ..... just looking for a bit of advice or input plse

07-06-13, 23:40
Hi. I can totally relate... spent 14hrs in hospital recently and even now 8 weeks later and after having holters numerous ecgs and ultrasound of heart still feel that awful surge of adrenaline whenever my heart does something that I notice... also have had this on and off since I was 20... 44 nearly now... it changes too. Before mainly always ectopic beats now getting racing alot as well... as for an answer I think just have faith and let time pass and attempt to accept... claire weekes quote... we are not alone... and thats comforting...

07-06-13, 23:50
It happens that way. Youve been reassured by the testing, you just have to give your body time to come down from the high anxiety. I always found it took me a few days.
Try to relax, calm yourself with the results of the tests and take it a moment at a time. Im glad you got good results!