View Full Version : Hello

03-10-06, 08:48
Hi All,

My name is Karl, I have been suffering panic attacks on and off for 12 years. I have not had a panic attack for 3 years but this year my Father passed away, I lost my job and got attacked by a gang of youths 50 yards from my home losing my teeth. Strangely the panic attacks only started a month ago and this incidents happens earlier in the year.

I have been to the doctor and he has started me on prozac , which i have taken before, 5 weeks in and im still struggling.

I am having the feeling of a bloated stomach, warm chest and dizzyness, also I am having a terrible fear of having them, I tried to go out yesterday only to come home early and feel rough for the rest of the day, and this morning is no better.

I have been reading all I can about these attacks and they do make me feel better, so I thought i would try the forums in the hope of making myself and others feel better.

I have beaten them twice before, but it gets harder everytime they come back.

They seem to be lasting the majority of the day, i am only gettting a few hours "panic free". Which is convincing me it cant be right

So I thought I would say hi to all, and any advice would be very appreicated.

Thanks for reading


03-10-06, 12:37
hiya karl,
i can go months even years without a panic attack,my dad died 9 years ago i thought i took it ok,well now i just carnt stop the panic attacks they seem to come and go when they feel like it,thats the worse thing not knowing when the next one is going to hit you like a slegdehammer,i have a nurse who comes to my house shes comming on thursday i dont know whats she gonna do but i hope she can help me,over the last 6 months my doctors ect have got involved,hopefully things will get better,youve had some nasty things happen to you i felt the same way you do because they happened ages ago you think you have coped 1 thing i have learnt i think i deal ok with bad things at the time then they come back to grab me months even years later,hope you start to feel better soon
take care

Granny Primark
03-10-06, 13:55
Hi karl,
Welcome to this site.
Its no wonder the panic has come back after the terrible time you had this year.
Its the fear of having panic attacks that make us so anxious.
If youve beaten the panic attacks twice im sure youl beat them a third time.
I really hope you start to feel better soon. I know that you will get loads of advice and help from this site.

Take care

03-10-06, 14:15
Hi Karl and welcome

Hay x

03-10-06, 14:23
hi Karl,you have really been through a tough time of it.This forum is really helpfull,you will get lots of good advise and make many nice friends.
take care;)

Ellen XX

03-10-06, 14:32
Hi Karl,

A big warm welcome to you. We are all here for each other.

Take Care


03-10-06, 18:25
Welcome Karl you,ve come to the right place:D

03-10-06, 19:13
Hiya Karl,

Sorry to hear of your bad time at the moment. it does make you feel better when you know you're not alone.

Welcome to the site and I hope you find comfort.

Love Magicsheep x

If you don't want to do it you'll find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will!

04-10-06, 09:43
Thank you all so very much

04-10-06, 09:46
Hi Karl,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

04-10-06, 11:49
Hi Karl

And a BIG warm welcome to you, you have certainly come to the right place for advice and make new friends.



04-10-06, 13:01
hiya karl, welcome to nomorepanic

07-10-06, 14:19
Hi Karl

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely, supportive people here and get some great advice and help!
