View Full Version : How The Hell Am I supposed To Know What 'Normal' Feels Like?

07-06-13, 22:34
Finding it extremely difficult to remember what I was like before I had anxiety!

How messed up is this?

I could now be totally cured and my meds could be working but because I cannot remember life without anxiety how will I know?

I wake up feeling calm, relaxed and refreshed and immediately I am looking for symptoms!

I'm sure some of you can relate to this!

I'm deep in conversation or in an activity and suddenly the overwhelming thought occurs to me, where is my anxiety, has it gone?

This makes me feel anxious and hey ho, the symptoms return!

I am my own worst enemy and I alone am preventing my recovery because I am obsessing and worrying about anxiety!

Does it get ever get better?


07-06-13, 22:36
I am sorry but I laughed at that as it is just the same as me. I was feeling really calm the other day and it sort of scared me because it is a feeling I am not used to!

07-06-13, 22:39
I am sorry but I laughed at that as it is just the same as me. I was feeling really calm the other day and it sort of scared me because it is a feeling I am not used to!


07-06-13, 22:41
I think we all go looking for the anxiety when we are feeling good....especially if Anx has been with us for years...
Normal was before we were self aware, before we lived in our heads all the time..
Don't think you can get back to that kind of normal again..
I think Anx makes you a more considerate person, you think before you speak...your care more too..so not all bad

08-06-13, 00:50
Who even knows what "normal" is anyway :winks:

I'm right there with you though, I've long forgotten what it feels like to be "normal" and that's if I ever was "normal" :winks:

I truly think, and I may be wrong with this, it's only my opinion, that once you've been touched by depression or anxiety, it never quite leaves you. I believe we can learn to live with it and learn things to help deal with it, but I think it's still there lurking in the background.

I suppose all we can do is what we're doing and keep going. So long as I can get some sort of normal life back, that'll do me, I just want to be able to do the normal stuff without having to turn it into a major event.

Anyway "normal" is boring..........I much prefer crazy :roflmao:

08-06-13, 09:45
Yes! I feel the same most days. If I have had a relatively 'good day' I think "why is this a good day? Do I have any symptoms?" If not I look for them! ha ha. We are so used to it that we do it auto stylee. Time will break the cycle, hasn't happened with me yet though but meditation helps to get rid of those searching thoughts I have found (although I am very much a beginner, it helps me).