View Full Version : Visual Disturbances- anyone ever had this?

07-06-13, 22:35
Hi all,

I wonder if anyone could help me.

About three years ago, I suddenly developed a coloured blob in one eye. It stayed fixed in one place, I could see it against whatever surface I was looking at. Then over a few minutes it gradually faded away. Over the last few months its been happening more frequently, sometimes daily. The blob isn't always in the same place or the same colour, and usually only in one eye. I have had typical migraines before with the scintillating scotoma but this is nothing like that.

I have been to my optician and my eyes are perfectly healthy. I am so scared about this and wondered if anyone else. Had experienced the same thing.

Thank you in advance xxx

07-06-13, 22:49
How big is it? You sure it's not a floater or you're not looking at bright lights just before? I get that if I am looking at a bright light or for a long time at a light source before it fades away after a few mins.

08-06-13, 00:30
That very much sounds like a floater! I have a floater in my right eye and I get the exact same symptoms, daily