View Full Version : Panicky .... Over reacting ?

07-06-13, 22:56
Is it just me or does anyone else always get

"Stop over reacting!!"

Basically , lately I've come to think of myself as a problem.
My fiance and family always tell me I'm over reacting
Like when we play fight and I actually get hurt I say "ouch" and all of a sudden I'm
"Over reacting"

I know this next part is funny now but it wasn't at the time.
My fiance chucked a sock at me and it was in a ball, it hit me in the eye and really hurt, it made my eye go red and water . But he's gone moody now as I'm "over reacting".

Is it just me who gets this response ?
I feel really low and panicky as I feel I'm bringing everyone down around me because my actions are wrong :(

07-06-13, 23:02
In those examples you are not over reacting...I can't however comment if you actually do over react to trivial things? Only you know that..lol..
You did bring back a memory from 20 yrs ago, a boyfriend if mine, came home drunk in the early hours, I was in bed, he tried to undress, was unstable, and when he took his shoe off, he fell back and the shoe flew across room and hit me in the head!

07-06-13, 23:10
Thank you :)
I just tend to be put in silly situations like that a lot and then get told Im over reacting
I get hurt and bruised easily but no one seems to get that

And lol ouch !! That shoe sounded painful lol

07-06-13, 23:12
Don't let people get away saying it, tell them your not over reacting!
By the way, that your lovely dog in pic?

07-06-13, 23:15
I think I will from now on :)
Thank you !
And no but I do have a black lab :) used to have a yellow lab / retriever but she passed away 8 years ago ... She was 10 though