View Full Version : Hello,

07-06-13, 23:03
I will start by giving a short history of my anxiety & depression. 7 years ago, after the birth of my second son I was diagnosed with post natal depression. I remember going to the doctor in tears, telling her I was terrified I was going to die and that I would have to leave my kids. I was given Citalopram which didn't work for me so then switched to sertraline. I had a third baby and at that time suffered from both prenatal then post natal depression which was horrible. To be honest I think I've always suffered from depression. I got better but then there came a point when I was really low and my doc switched me to venlafaxine. I moved to Bangkok with my family in August 2012 and was fine until January when I had a massive panic attack and couldn't stop crying in work. I stupidly doubled my dosage without talking to anyone. This helped my mood but I noticed my hair started falling out. Saw a psychiatrist 2 wks ago who put me back on sertraline so hoping this will help my moods and I won't end up bald!! Hope to share info & discussion with others here and offer any useful advice that I can xx

07-06-13, 23:10
How awful for you. I have suffered from anxiety for years and and I find his site helpful when I need some support.
It just makes me feel better knowing I'm not alone.
I hope you find it helpful too.:)

08-06-13, 00:35
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.