View Full Version : help!! please do reply

08-06-13, 00:50
Well long story short im having chest and back and rib pains for a while now also a cough the past month slowly improving but pains feel like there getting worse I think it's lung cancer I think im dying I hav a young baby so it's making it worse I keep picturing myself getting told in the end that it's lung cancer I can't take it anymore the fear is eating me up every day

08-06-13, 01:08
I doubt very much it's cancer.. I saw on your other thread you've got the option of X-ray if your still concerned ...
Telling youself all the time you have cancer will put your body in turmoil, you'll experience all sorts of pain,symptoms in the area your concerned with...
Fear is making you ill.

08-06-13, 01:14
Aww I'm sorry that you're so frightened.

Have you been to speak to your doctor about your fears at all ?? If not, then I would really advise you to go just so as to put your mind at rest and bring your anxiety down :)

Whatever you do...........do NOT Google :) it will just frighten you more and it wont help you at all :)

You say you have a young baby, how long ago did you have your baby ?

Because after pregnancy and childbirth your body has a lot to do to get itself back into its non pregnant state, so it's very common to have all sorts of aches and pains and niggles for a few months after :)

But I would go and see your GP, just so as to lift your fear hun :hugs:

08-06-13, 11:31
Hi there

Sorry to hear you are feeling bad :( I've suffered from health anxiety on and off for 18 years so I can totally relate to how you're feeling.

Both me and my boyfriend have issues with rib and chest pains. Over the last few years mine have been both due to anxiety and bad posture at work/sitting at a computer for 7 hours a day. I get neck and shoulder pain too when I'm really stressed at work. My boyfriend has pains down his arm, chest and between his ribs which he's had checked out by a doctor and by his Dad who is a GP! They can't find anything wrong but his Dad thinks it could be stress related.

There are lots of reasons why people get rib and chest pains and it's usually from muscles or nerves. Have you seen your doctor? I'm sure they can put your mind at rest.

I've had an odd cough on and off recently and I think it is related to my dust allergy. Do you have an allergies that could be giving you the cough?

I hope you feel better soon. Please try not to worry to much. I would recommend drinking plenty of chamomile tea and burning some soothing essential oils to help you relax - that's what helps me :)

M xxx

---------- Post added at 11:31 ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 ----------

Oh, meant to say I get back pain too! Mine is up the top of my back and round my shoulders but also in the middle. It's because I work in an office - sitting and starring at a computer every day at work has not been kind to my back! I'm planning to start swimming soon to strengthen my muscles and help with the pains.