View Full Version : hello again

Night Owl
08-06-13, 03:56
hello- i posted my first intro about a month ago and the procedded to remove it due to severe panic attack- so i have suffered from chronic anxiety/panic disorder for upwards of 12 years- hardly a day has gone by that i dont have numerous anxiety/panic attacks- making some progress though- it is very difficult- its a daily struggle- im currently trying to work again but that is not going so well- i have finally decided that i need to see a therapist and find a relatively easy part time job(not a high stress resturant full time-only two days in and im done for)- so yep things are pretty rough right now and besides this panic disorder i find myself clueless as how to overcome this re-occuring depression- so time to step out of my comfort zone and post on this forum and make arrangements to actually see a therapist(i hope i follow thru on both- im sure ill have anxiety attack after i post this) thanks- so much more id like to vent but one day at a time- thanks again i really like this website-

08-06-13, 07:48
Hi I'm new to this site too, suffered for about 2 years on and off but looking back I have had symptoms for years but never accepted it was anxiety. I would say having treatment is a good thing Worked for me, but I dot think it will ever truly go away and that you learning how to control and deal with the symptoms. I have read lots on this site and it seems really helpful as there are lots of people who suffer and understand exactly what you are going throu. Hope you start to feel better soon. And have a good read of the helpful information on the left. Try to have a good day today. Xx

08-06-13, 09:12
Hey Night Owl,

I have suffered with anx and depression on and off my whole life. Coming on this website was the first step I took to getting better.

I still have my ups and downs but I am so much better than I was when I started out and people on here have been such a huge support!

Good luck,

Danny xxx

08-06-13, 23:01
Hi. I'm sure you'll be glad you joined.

There's plenty of advice and support here.

You're not alone.

All the best.

09-06-13, 19:00
Hi Welcome to NMP. I am sure you will find lots of help and support here.