View Full Version : Anyone in North London?

08-06-13, 11:58
Anyone here in North London? Maybe we could get together as a group some time and do something together?

M xxx

08-06-13, 14:04
Just North of London here...would be up for a get together :)

Kitti x

08-06-13, 14:35
North West London here, would be up great if something could be arranged :)

10-06-13, 21:27
Just thought I'd bump this up...come on all you North Londoners or surrounding area, Herts, Essex...let's see what we can do! A meet up would do us all good ;)

30-06-13, 22:39
im in east london lets get the meet up sorted:yesyes:

30-06-13, 22:47
Sounds good, I will have a look into somewhere we could all meet up for a drink or something around the North London area or does anyone have any ideas where we could meet?

Anyone else interested in meeting up? Hopefully we can get a good group of us.


30-06-13, 22:49
Yes, definitely up for a meet...come on all you Londoners we can do this too! :yesyes:

If anyone is interested feel free to PM me. Kitti :)

01-07-13, 22:56
Bump :yesyes:

Two members have shown interest in having a north London meet so...lets get this organised...we will all gain something positive from it :)

02-07-13, 00:40
Essex here :yesyes:

02-07-13, 06:51
Where exactly in North london, I am in SW19 but would come (somehow) if I got a lift.

02-07-13, 11:23
Essex here :yesyes:

Great Frosty :winks: Will keep you posted hun xxx

@Ricardo...nothing arranged as yet just waiting to see how many are interested and then we can decide on a place we can all get to. I will let you know. Kitti x

04-07-13, 20:14
in essex area. if can afford it then i'm up for it.

05-07-13, 11:43
Thanks Gameboy, I will keep you posted!

08-07-13, 11:32
I'm in Essex/East London. I'm game! :)

11-07-13, 18:15
Great Cee, thank you. Lets see what we can do here!

So....another shout out to anyone who is near to North London or can travel easily to make a meet up :yesyes: feel free to PM me or post here.

Kitti :)

21-07-13, 14:40
North London also :yesyes:

21-07-13, 20:53
Thanks LollyPolly :D oh, and :welcome: to NMP!

I am keeping an eye on the thread and if a few of us are interested in a meet something can hopefully be sorted out. All welcome, anyone in or around North London or anywhere if you can travel this way for a meet up :yesyes:

I will keep you and any others who post here or PM me posted.

Kitti :)

22-07-13, 09:16
thanks kitti :) will wait to hear from you

11-08-13, 11:14
hi, everyone! havnt been on site for a while now, been suffering in silence, but a north London meet up sounds good. how do we know when and where? cheers!!

02-09-13, 21:41
Thought Id bump this back up. We should get something organised guys. :)

02-09-13, 22:08
Well done Gota...I agree :yesyes:

02-09-13, 22:19
I think we need to arrange a time and date and a place that everyone can meet at so then people can say if they can make it or not or can just come down if they fancy it.

08-09-13, 22:51
I'm in North London, would be up for this.

08-09-13, 23:20
I'm in North London, would be up for this.

Great!! I have had a couple of PM's about this so will try to get something arranged as soon as possible :yesyes:

09-09-13, 00:28
Hi all, new member here. I live in London so would be interested in coming along :)

By way of introduction, my blog is 'Cycles of Depression' on Wordpress (sorry, can't post links yet).

13-09-13, 21:59
I'm in North London and would be up for a meet :flowers: