View Full Version : Does anyone else get this and what shoud i do ?

08-06-13, 19:38
Hi ,I'm 31 and a heavy smoker , quite active , walk alot yet never run ..
For the last couple of months I have been suffering with a intermittent pain in my back which also radiates through to my chest .. The pain is a nagging pain not sharp more dull and continuous for around 10-30 mins ..
It's location on my back is level with my nipple ( I'm a man ) and just left of the centre and the pain at the front can be anywhere in a 20 cm circle of my left nipple .. I also feel a little breathless sometime the pain is central and waves across my chest .. I went to the a+e 3 weeks ago and had a ECG and a chest x-ray and bloods and they said it wasn't anything life threatening .. I was sent home none the wiser as to what these pains were .. I have continued to put these down to health anxiety .. What should I do as they are quite bad now and I'm panicking a bot .. Shall I go back to the hospital or wait till Monday for a docs appointment ? ? Help please

09-06-13, 13:56
the doctor will tell you to cut down smoking and may send you for an xray but the xray part is only because you smoke heavy. thats if he does send you to have one. but try and cut down. and if you,ve got kids or loved ones do it for them.