View Full Version : Panic Attack last night...

08-06-13, 19:44
I had a panic attack last night and I really don't know why!

I was in bed watching telly with my boyfriend and I suddenly starting feeling anxious. Next thing I know, my whole body is shaking, I'm boiling hot and I feel really sick. I run to the toilet but nothing comes up, I am sweating so much you'd think I had been sat in an oven for an hour. My sight goes funny and everything goes black.

I called out to my boyfriend and sister who came to my rescue and after holding a cold flannel on my head and drinking some cold water I started to feel better although the shaking didn't stop for about an hour.

Absolutely no idea why this happened! I have had panic attacks before but usually because something is happening that makes me anxious! Never had one out of the blue before...

Does anyone have any tips on what they do when they can feel a panic attack coming as I could tell it was coming and I was trying to tell myself to stay calm but it didn't really do a lot!!

Any advice much appreciated :yesyes:

08-06-13, 20:51
Hi, I often have them out of the blue... with no triggers whatsoever! What helps me is to walk it off (exercise) breathing exercises also help and just go with it, they always die down eventually.
They are really scary!
I know this sounds weird but lavender (the scent, or oil) breath in deeply it has a real calming effect.
Hope I have helped slightly?

08-06-13, 22:31
walking deffo helps even if it,s late at night,earlie hours of the morning. in your back yard.

10-06-13, 19:25
Yup, just walk it off. Anxiety just makes you worried about something that isn't even something to be afraid of. Remember, you should try to let go of all the pain whenever you can.

Just ignore it and distract your mind. Try taking a few lavender scents to give your mind a quick cool off whenever possible. Hope this helps you out.

13-06-13, 12:36
Thank you for your replies :) I will definitely give these things a go!!

13-06-13, 18:59
Also remind yourself that it is only a panic attack. Keep calm, breathe and have a walk.

13-06-13, 22:01
I know it's weird to get symptoms for no reason. I can be thinking nothing, have no anxiety that I know of and next thing I know my heart goes and I get dizzy and shake. The breathing and the walking do help. If you have anything calming you can visualize, that's been helping me lately as well. I wonder if maybe there was something in what you were watching that maybe subconsciously triggered you?

~Regina x