View Full Version : do i have an extremely weak immune system?

08-06-13, 20:23
Hi, surprisingly I got myself a girlfriend!! I don't have many girlfriends so this is good for me as she is stunning!

Anyways, not the point, I am deeply in love with her and I only get to see her on weekends where can we can actually hang out by ourselves, other than school.

Every time i french kiss, "make out" whatever you wan't to call it, the day after, I seem to get a sore throat which lasts 2-3 days, and isn't THAT bad, but it is annoying. Sometimes I even get a stuffy nose, but the weird thing is, only one nostril is clogged. Not sure if that ones allergies or something.

I am really tired of these sore throats. She never gets them as she has a great immune system and rarely gets sick.

I exercise daily and i guess i don't eat the best, but i eat alright. I am just wondering why i keep getting sore throats. Is it because my immune system is awful and very weak?

Also, its nothing sexually transmitted if you were wondering. I'm the first guy shes ever kissed and ive kissed about three girls in my life so.

All help is appreciated.:)

08-06-13, 20:42
Probably make up, deodorant or perfume, try asking her to not wear any (may be impossible!) for a day or 2 to see how you are!