View Full Version : Pineal Cyst

08-06-13, 21:06
Hi does anyone here have a pineal cyst (benign tumour) that wants to share.
I was diagnosed with one a year ago and it keeps sending me into a panic. I have a lot of anxiety symptoms but have read these can also be symptoms of this cyst?

09-06-13, 13:51
what is a pineal?

09-06-13, 14:27
like a small cyst on the brain

09-06-13, 16:52
I have one; diagnosed a month or two ago. Firstly, it's important to remember that a cyst is not a tumour; a tumour is normally far more serious. Around a quarter of the population has a pineal cyst, and they're normally less than a centimetre in diameter. They can theoretically cause symptoms if they're greater than 0.5, but it's still rare. They normally start taking them more seriously if they're greater than 1.5cm. For example mine is 1.3 I think so they plan to scan it again in august, but they still didn't think it would have been causing my weird neuro symptoms.

What size is yours? Any follow-ups planned? What symps have you been getting?