View Full Version : dvt worry

08-06-13, 23:16
Hi I have a pain in my calf since Thursday and it only getting worse - I have a fear of clots because im not very active and I do smoke..I don't have any swelling nor any redness it just a severe stabbing pain in calf sometimes it does feel like it travels up to thigh and it gets very uncomfortable but mostly it in calf since Thursday I have pulse in my foot so I assume that a good sign. Any input would b great plse ive been on the couch all day cause I have to rest which hasn't helped my fear of clot.

09-06-13, 10:18
get up get moving. keep active drink fluids masssage it. put hot water bottle on it. and see how it goes and if you,ve got any olbus oil i swear by that to get rid of that pain. go out get some and put it all over where your hurtin. and carry on the rest of the day.

11-06-13, 18:00
Hi, I have a DVT following a broken ankle. The pain in my calf was worse than than the break and apparently it was only a small DVT. The only way the pain would go is if it was elevated. My calf was swollen and very tender to the touch. If you do have these symptoms then go to the doc asap and treatment can be given but it doesn't sound like you have one to me. Xx