View Full Version : anybody obsessd over anything

09-06-13, 01:21
is anbody obsessed over anything wich makes them anxious/panicky. im obsessd over my heart,my children just incase anthing happens to them. & there going on a trip next week so no doubt i,ll be on this forum. worried sick.

09-06-13, 01:25
You have to calm down and be rational about things and not stress out and obsess as it serves no purpose really.

Nothing will happen to them realistically and all you are doing is causing stress to yourself that is more harmful so go with the flow and what will be will be

09-06-13, 07:58
Hi i used to be like this with my son and am still now to an extent, he went away for 4 nights with the school and i was in such a mess, i was actually physically sick on the morning he left came worried about him constantly but he had a great time and was obviously fine! Now he's growing up hes nearly 13 he's wanting to go out more with his friends like he wanted to go to the fair that's just arrived in our town on Friday after school and my gut instinct was no way but i let him go and made sure he had his phone and lectured him about what not to do lol, yesterday i left him with my hubby all day as i had to go out and without my knowledge he allowed him to meet his mates and go into town with them, we only live in a very small town, i nearly freaked when i came home and found out but i realise Im putting my anxieties onto my son and need to let him grow up but in my eyes he will always be my baby! x x

09-06-13, 09:39
You have to calm down and be rational about things and not stress out and obsess as it serves no purpose really.

Nothing will happen to them realistically and all you are doing is causing stress to yourself that is more harmful so go with the flow and what will be will be
thank you no more panic that is very true and i know deep down but you know what it,s like. but thank you very much.

---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 ----------

Hi i used to be like this with my son and am still now to an extent, he went away for 4 nights with the school and i was in such a mess, i was actually physically sick on the morning he left came worried about him constantly but he had a great time and was obviously fine! Now he's growing up hes nearly 13 he's wanting to go out more with his friends like he wanted to go to the fair that's just arrived in our town on Friday after school and my gut instinct was no way but i let him go and made sure he had his phone and lectured him about what not to do lol, yesterday i left him with my hubby all day as i had to go out and without my knowledge he allowed him to meet his mates and go into town with them, we only live in a very small town, i nearly freaked when i came home and found out but i realise Im putting my anxieties onto my son and need to let him grow up but in my eyes he will always be my baby! x x
i know i have to let them go but it,s hard. there going on a trip with the school this week and feel nervous already over it. there 6yrs old and 5yrs old. and i know when they go i,ll proberly have panick attack.

09-06-13, 09:40
Yep my heart and if I'm a good enough mum to my children ! Crazy crazy xx hope u have a restful Sunday x 50

09-06-13, 09:41
Yep my heart and if I'm a good enough mum to my children ! Crazy crazy xx hope u have a restful Sunday x 50
terrible aint it. thanx for all replies

09-06-13, 12:06
Hi, yes I relate very much so. I worry about my son a ridiculous amount and when he got a letter from school about a trip away in september, I was relieved that he didnt want to go which is awful really. I know I'd be panicking every minute he was away. Its horrible and I feel your pain! :(

09-06-13, 13:25
Hi, yes I relate very much so. I worry about my son a ridiculous amount and when he got a letter from school about a trip away in september, I was relieved that he didnt want to go which is awful really. I know I'd be panicking every minute he was away. Its horrible and I feel your pain! :(
i know well also what don,t help is thatr my son ran off from his nan a few weeks back when she fetched him from school she could not find him. luckily she did a few minutes later but im scared it will happen again & i have to keep drumming it in to him & my little girl not to do this not to do that. drives ya crazy hearing yourself sometimes.