View Full Version : Head pulling, and a off balance type feeling

09-06-13, 09:24
Really worried its something serious, it came on Tuesday night on and off, then I didn't seem to notice it atall Thursday night, over the weekend I'm noticing it more, I'm walking in straight lines and stuff I'm just freaking out its a brain tumor, ive had no headaches or nausea or vomiting just like a pulling feeling on the left side of my head and the right side, it's spoilt my first weekend back with my boyfriend, last night I was having an anxiety attack and he didn't even know.

09-06-13, 09:31
hiya! yes i,ve had that what you,ve mentiond it is very annoying. but all anxiety even when sometimes your not anxious. i feel bit anxious/jittery this morning but i am still tired.

09-06-13, 09:59
Yeah that's it, I wasn't anxious at some times it's horrible I was satin the car before we went to cinema yesterday really thinking I couldn't go through with it, as I type this the clicking has started. Now it's spreading round my forehead like a dull ache, I had a neuro exam with my gp like two weeks ago and it was all perfectly normal, and two eye tests in April again fine, am I being stupid?

09-06-13, 10:13
no your not being stupid. it,s all naturel to think how we think. you can message me anytime ok. im always checkin up on here or postin. and ag.ain your not stupid

09-06-13, 10:17
Thanks fruity. It's just strange, I hate this off balance feeling or weird eye feeling yet I've been checked over so many times, my mum thought I may have an inner ear infection? As my right ear was cloudy. I don't know I'm just desperate for it to stop its really ruined things this weekend, I barely slept last night

09-06-13, 13:35
i know. i,ve had an ear infec had antibiotics last week or week before can,t remember now. but my ears am still not right.

09-06-13, 13:45
Did you have light headed feeling or woozy feeling? A few weeks ago I had a stabbing pain in my cloudy ear (right) about 5am I fell back to sleep woke up and it had home, few days later now this

09-06-13, 13:48
yep had all that. it was realy bad the pain was and my ears were full aswell. the doc said my inner ears are blocked due to a viral infec

09-06-13, 13:53
I've had a few viral infections apparently I can barely hear out of said ear aswell :-(

09-06-13, 14:02
god am we twins. im the same. ha,ha.:bighug1:

09-06-13, 14:28
Haha I know yeah, now it's the pulling pain is back up my neck to the side of my head :-(

09-06-13, 15:46
This is one of my most annoying symptoms, Like a rocking, pulling type feeling in the head, feels like there is something inside the brain pulling you. I've dealt with this pretty much constant for 2 years, with a little break here and there. Annoying!!!! I've had it bad enough at times I couldn't walk a straight line at the time was unaware it was anxiety. I'm used to it now, I just try to ignore it.

09-06-13, 15:49
Think that's what I'm going to do. Try think of ways I can ignore it.

09-06-13, 15:55
It's hard to ignore, cause it's always on the mind. Whenever I'd get that feeling I always had a fear of passing out cause my head felt so damn weird. I would keep saying to myself that it's just anxiety, and it won't hurt me, which is true. Eventually it got better for me, so now when I get it, it doesn't bother me as much. I find I get it a lot especially if I leave the house. I hate big stores, malls, pretty much anywhere really. lol. What a life!

09-06-13, 16:39
Yeah I was bad yesterday I went big shopping centre, then local shopping centre the day before, i felt really strange I couldn't finish my food in Nandos it seemed so loud in there. Even when I'm sat down I don't feel with it x