View Full Version : Hello All!

09-06-13, 09:35
I just happened to come across this site, due to the fact I have been having massive panic attacks again. Everyone on this site seems to be very helpful and I could definitely use a helping hand at the moment. Panic attacks are the worst, especially when they result in depression as well. This is all very new for me, since I usually don't reach out to people for this. Please be patient with me :D

09-06-13, 14:02
Hi, I'm new too, I suffer anxiety and this site has helped me realise I'm not alone, before that I thought I was going mad. Hope this helps you to realise there are others like us out there suffering and it's good to know how other people deal with this. Hope you feel a bit bet soon. Xx

11-06-13, 08:32
It really does. Seeing that others have had the same problems I am having makes me feel like I am not alone. I am still trying to cope with my anxiety and panic attacks and I feel like being a part of a community might help me go in the right direction.

11-06-13, 11:06

I am new here and I am not from the UK. I live in the USA. I have Becker's MD. I have been dealing with pressure issues for a long while now. I tried all the foam and gel cushions with no success. Then I found ROHO cushions! They are a bit expensive, but I can sit on one all day long and I no longer suffer excruciating bottom pain. I would suggest a 4 inch cushion. You can adjust the air to your liking. These cushions will change your life. ROHO is a company owned by Sunrise Medical. Check it out...