View Full Version : My happy story about panic and anxiety :)

09-06-13, 10:33
Hy everyone my name is Alexandra and I want to share you guys my story.Anyone suffering from anxiety or panic you guys have to know that first of all for a recovery we are the only splution.No psychologists , no antisedepressants.It's just our mind and how it works.Two months ago I starrt feeling very bad , I ve done all my medical tests and everything was ok.I experienced a nightmare in my life and this happened because of stressing myself too much regarding my problems from my life and worring to much about my daughter.I lyied in bed for 3 weeks because I was frightened even to go outside.I am only 22 and I am suffering from anxiety since I was little girl.THis include: fear of flying or traveling,fear of darkness,fear of dying or ear that I ve got a cronical ilness.MY gp prescribed me Citalopram Antidepressants but I stopped them after 5 days because of the unbeareable side effects.THen I start thinking that I must do something for myself and that I am the only one in charge to do that.THe recovery was very sinple,but you need patience because it takes some time until you can control yourself.Things that I started to do : 1.jogging every day at least half an hour 2.i drank cammile tea (3 cups a day).3.positive thinking.(even its hard,though).4.friends can help you a lot you just have to go evwrywhere you want and have fun. And as well I am happier wirh the medicines from my country and because I am originally from ROmania,i called my doctor and ask me to prescribe something natural,no brain serotonine or any other stupid hallucinations tablets.so i asked my relatives to send me a herbal treatment it's called "calmogen plant".and its results are amazing.however,i bought as well a complex of vitamins(sanatogen) and vitamins B and magnezium.some people don't want to talk aout how they recovered because they are afraid that if they are thinking about this it will come back.BUt in fact,they are not recovered.and Im not as well fully recovered! I still got fears when am travelling or when i am alone in the night,but thanks God I learned to control myseld.wish you luck everyone and i hope it helps my advices.muah xX

09-06-13, 11:09
Hello it's great to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel my anxiety was brought on by a traumatic time In my life while in hospital , but a couple of months before that I had to leave my job because of a bad back , it turns out I have sciatica and spondylosis , now that was 14 months ago but I am in more pain now than I ever was nothing takes the pain away because of the anxiety caused chronic pain , I did not have health anxiety until I hurt back and went into hospital, apparently it's my brain doing causing the pain because I have had it so long my original complaint with my back has healed I'm told . But like you I don't want to take any drugs I just don't trust them so I just live with ten pain , it won't go till I relaxe I've tried everything just can't , but I have wrote the name down of the tablets calmogen and hope to get some to try . I wish you well .xxx