View Full Version : Always comes back

09-06-13, 11:02
Why is it you think your anxiety is going away and you think you have your life back then bam it's there's again like a smack in the face I want all these feeling to stop fed up now want more of the good days else I'm getting of this train!

09-06-13, 11:09
Hi, yep this morning just been shopping and not eaten breakfast and pregnant so- maybe the cause BUT got out of car and BAM felt like I could not breath. I carried on but now I'm home I dearmt move! Being a panic attack sufferer even if there's a perfectly good reason for some symptoms just exaggerates the whole problem.

Yep sick of being unwell with pregnancy and I'm certainly sick of the Panic lingering in the background. I've been doing exceptionally well considering being pregnant and here I go again. I'm not gonna dwell too much on it though, I'm gonna try and have the F*** it attitude ......... If I collapse I collapse! I'm that used to and fed up with this hovering panic Ive felt this bad before and before that - nothing so bad ever comes of it but, it just feels at the time bloody awful.

Loads of hugs X

10-06-13, 01:44
I like how you said you were going to off this train if it didn't get better.

Good for you. Take the initiative.

But get off the train first. Sometimes, you just have to stop allowing for it to enter into your life. I remember somebody saying that fear is just a choice. You can choose to be afraid of the anxiety or you can just think of it as a feeling.

I do know how you are feeling. You think you are full of vitality, but once you think it is gone, something just pops up and it ruins your life. It makes you feel lost and confused.

I am sure you will overcome it soon

10-06-13, 03:16
I can totally relate to what you're saying, I have been having panic attacks and severe anxiety for almost 12 months now. It is really starting to affect my quality of life :(
I'm at my wits end about how to make it stop. I can't live like this and am booking an appt with my gp tomorrow. Good luck, I hope you get some peace and respite from it soon x