View Full Version : Anxiety/lighting

09-06-13, 12:09
Hi, I have a lot of anxiety & I find that bright lights really raise my anxiety a lot. I've been this way for years. I don't open my blinds or curtains, & I wouldn't call my apt dark but dim. I know many people equate dim lights with depression but let me just state clearly that I DO NOT HAVE DEPRESSION. Dim lighting is very soothing to me. Also too much chaos or noise raises my anxiety. I'm just wondering if anyone relates to this. Thank You!

09-06-13, 13:21
hiya. yes im the same mainly with lights. wierd aint it

09-06-13, 15:37
I'm the same, as I find dim lighting soothing as well. I keep my shades drawn too. I find that I'm much calmer during the evening rather than the day, especially sunny days!

09-06-13, 19:42
I am the same as well, I am sensitive to bright lights and too much of noise,I have tinnitus so that contributes to it all, I cant be in a crowded place for too long.

10-06-13, 01:39
I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who associates dim lighting with calmness & bright lighting with anxiety. So many people think dimness means depression & that simply is not always the case.