View Full Version : Can't stop crying

09-06-13, 15:04
So distressed I want this to end the intrusive thoughts the obsessing over my health/death, I want to feel normal this weekends been hell anxiety is bad again like my big attack in April. I'm scared of going to work tomorrow I'm scared of everything. I'm thinking I need medication now but scared of the effects I can't breath I'm crying that much,

09-06-13, 15:20
just calm down. i,ve been there & even now sometimes i feel like that. but theres always a better day before to me everyda was bad but now im soo much better. trust me you have to get a grip. you don,t need medication. i did at first but then thought na im gna do it on my own. & im alt better can manage things more. i,ve had anxiety for 5yrs & 3 and a half of that as been tough & bad. plus i,ve had post natal depression twice. & i suffer panic attacks only once a year but still bad enough. i had my gall bladder removed i had pancreatus,ibs & that was all with my first child. i,ve been to hell & back. but the past year & half as been better apartfrom loosing my dad last yr he was 62. i had panic attacks for a week. im only 28 im 29in august. so if you wanna chat chat to me & i will do my best to help. don,t cry you will get there.

09-06-13, 15:44
Thanks for your words and I'm sorry you had all that going on. I just feel like my mind isn't my own and I can't deal with that if this weird shakey feeling went I'd manage better, I'm just lying in bed crying can't face doing anything. I'm going to try and eat something, Im 24 and I think I've got so much going on I just am really upset my boyfriend left today for another two weeks I feel guilty as I don't think I have gave my 100% this weekend I was creaking out last night he didn't suspect anything fighting back tears I was. X

09-06-13, 15:53
Eating something is good, preferably not too sugary. Ham and fresh bread and butter and a glass of milk work for me! Be nice to yourself

09-06-13, 16:02
Yeah I've got a roast beef dinner on the way so maybe after that ill feel abit brighter xx

09-06-13, 16:08
Sorry to hear your feeling like this, I was in the same state about a month ago, I have got progressively better, I'm in the garden now in the sun listening to some 80's music and life doesn't feel so bad.
I'm not being flippant here I still have days where I just want to hide under the bedcovers and escape my own mind and emotions with sleep.
My advice get up and have breakfast in the sun listen to some music you enjoy, don't beat yourself up over your perceived lack of whatever the past few days, your boyfriend will understand, take up the offer from the kind person above to talk, you'll feel a lot better by this evening.
Choose to be happy as hard as that might be, all the best :-)

09-06-13, 16:31
Thanks all, just ate my dinner, all of it, haven't finished a meal in a few days and I feel like desert. I have got up and made my bed. Little things, still feeling emotional but trying to ignore it, I just want o get back to normal x

09-06-13, 17:15
Thanks all, just ate my dinner, all of it, haven't finished a meal in a few days and I feel like desert. I have got up and made my bed. Little things, still feeling emotional but trying to ignore it, I just want o get back to normal x

Hope you are feeling better soon, it's terrible when you feel like this, but doing little things around the house etc can definitely help you to feel better. I find distraction to be the most helpful thing for me. :hugs:

09-06-13, 17:21
Thanks alma, just so fed up, stabbing pain in the back of my head it hurts to touch after being upset all day :-(

09-06-13, 19:14
Hey Shivmarie

Sometimes emotional episodes like these can be an opportunity, a doorway into the thoughts and beliefs that are causing the upset in the first place.

Emotional outbursts can be like a volcano. Feelings and emotions are kept under the surface, ignored and repressed, brewing like lava. It can brew until a point where the strength of the defences can no longer keep it under wraps and it must penetrate the surface and be released.

It's a times like this when all those defensive strategies that we use to keep those emotions and feelings inside are breached and you can really look at them, explore them, feel them with acceptance and curiosity. If you feel corageous it's a great opportunity to look at the mind, to see what thoughts and beliefs are at the root of the problem.

It's helpful to allow the emotions and thoughts arise and come into your attention fully. Lay down the welcome mat. Let the ash and lava consume you and realise that it doesn't hurt you. Then pry into it and see what's hiding behind it.

09-06-13, 20:39
what you upto now shivmarie. your young you only live once. don,t cry & if you do cry just burst out laughing it,s the best sollution. i,ve cried so much that all my tears have gone. but my heartache lives on but you learn to live with it. so please try.if you want we,ll have another chat tomorow. ok. & anytime you feel like this in the night by all means come to this forum someones always up but try to do something else like: read,crossword beter still watch tv. tv has helped me a lot. keep smiling

09-06-13, 20:50
The more fears you have, the more fear comes...
Don't have fear over going to work, if you keep telling yourself your scared, you will make yourself scared..
Tell yourself tomorrow is going to be a great day, works going to be good, your going to be distracted, it's going to be sooo much better than today..tell yourself you've has enough of fear.. Keep repeating this to yourself... Once it sinks in , you'll start to feel uplifted...
Mind and body are linked... It works ...
And remember 95 % of tomorrow's thoughts will be the same as today's... So start the good thoughts now!

09-06-13, 20:57
That's a great way of looking at it incog. I have been in pieces all day, I called 111 just for some advice as I don't have anyone I can talk to here, she suggested I take one of my diazepam 2mg tablets to calm me down, I told her I was scared and she said I didn't need to be they will help me so I'm thinking of doing it tonight they've been sat in my handbag since may 3rd. It might just enable me to stay calm and focus and sleep better I've had poor sleep since Thursday too. I'm going to see my gp Thursday and going to chase up my cbt appointment. Cried so hard I've given myself a headache

---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:52 ----------

That's what I'm trying to do stormsky talk to myself telling myself and in general that its going to be a normal day it'll be nice work will be good, tomorrow evening will be nice and chilled and that I'm going to have a bloody good go at getting this

---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ----------

Thanks fruityI'm in bed hot water bottle watching tv with abit of chocolate set my alarm for work and I'm just relaxing. I wish I didn't get so upset I frighten myself when I get like that and my heads so sore now from the tension :-(

09-06-13, 21:43
If you feel like you need some valium then it might be good to have a break and have a rest. Having cried all day you have released a lot of emotion so you will feel better for it once your mind and body have rested a bit.

Remember to let the fear and feelings be as they are as much as you can. Relax and let be what already is.

10-06-13, 21:42
Hey how are you feeling now?
I had a huge breakdown in the middle of the park a few weeks back and could not stop crying for a few days after. I just think im so used to feeling sad every few weeks those negative thoughts come whoosing out as a release xx

11-06-13, 09:45
So distressed I want this to end the intrusive thoughts the obsessing over my health/death, I want to feel normal this weekends been hell anxiety is bad again like my big attack in April. I'm scared of going to work tomorrow I'm scared of everything. I'm thinking I need medication now but scared of the effects I can't breath I'm crying that much,

Gosh - hope you managed to get to work and are feeling calmer than the wk end??? Let us know how ur getting on x

11-06-13, 12:33
yeah i made it into work yday and today, still very jittery, my eyes are badly playing up and this balance thing, going the opticians from work, whatever they say will rule of one thing or another, then its back to my gp for 'inner ear' things