View Full Version : Very sore mouth before holiday - tips appreciated

NE21 worrier
09-06-13, 15:21
Hello everyone,

This is written in as part of another thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=136258) but I fear it would get a bit lost there due to the board/subject title so I am reposting here, if that is OK.

I am due to go on quite a convoluted holiday in a few days on Thursday, which encompasses three different capital cities in east Europe before a visit to the Glastonbury Festival. By now, normally, I would expect to have a bit of anticipatory anxiety about my adventure - but, without wanting to tempt fate, I seem to be in a really good mindset at the moment, and really proud to have made it back to work last week.

The only thing that is really troubling me at the moment is right at the back of my mouth. On Thu night, I must have cut the inside of my gum with the very last of my sharp upper teeth and the gum has swollen up really very badly around the back of my very last lower molar - so much so that I'm eating on a quite rudimentary basis at the moment. Normally, this would be because of anxiety but it is definitely a physical problem this time as it really hurts to eat anything much harder than a mousse or squished banana.

I can't really get to the swollen area with a brush so I'm washing my mouth out thoroughly with mouthwash (Corsydol) and taking Ibuprofen for the sharp pain. I really don't want to have to go back to the doctors, or even the worse the dentist - which I have avoided for years - and I only have three full days before my holiday.

Any tips greatly appreciated as this really does have the potential to affect my holiday, or my anxiety which will affect my holiday as well? Thanks,

Peter x

09-06-13, 19:28
Rinse your mouth every couple of hours with warm water with about a teaspoon of salt in it.

09-06-13, 20:11
I was going to say the same as Annie, Salt water is very good for sore mouths including putting salt on ulcers, painful but it works.

Hope it gets better soon

NE21 worrier
09-06-13, 21:06
Thank you. I was aware of the salt water solution as my anxiety has given me plenty of experience with mouth ulcers, though I have often just put a brave face on it.

This bit of my gum is really, very bad, however. The worst bit of it being a swollen gum - not the cheek - directly behind my back tooth on the lower right part of my mouth:mad:

Do you know how long it will taken for the swelling to be relieved?

Thanks again,
Peter x

09-06-13, 21:31
Everyone heals at different rates so it is difficult to say. Try to be careful you don't cause any more damage there when you are eating.
You could always call in at the chemist tomorrow and ask the pharmacist to have a look and see if they can recommend anything else.

NE21 worrier
09-06-13, 21:38
Thanks again, Annie. I think I will go to the chemists if the pain keeps up like this.

I just don't want it to spoil my holiday which I am actually looking forward to (rather than being anxious about). I want to be able to eat as well as I can over there - so I can see me getting more anxious about it :wacko:

I don't suppose it will be altogether better by the time I head off, but I guess I am just impatient for some improvement.

Although I said before that I was eating in a rudimentary fashion, I am actually still eating ok. Not long ago, I had some chicken and potatoes which I ate exclusively on the left-hand side of my mouth. Some of the chicken did keep catching my gum as I swallowed but I managed to get through it :smile:


09-06-13, 21:49
I had a tooth out 4 days before I went on holiday and had to eat on one side all week but I didn't let it spoil my holiday :D

NE21 worrier
10-06-13, 17:21
Hello everyone,

An update on my mouth: I've still got a sore swelling of my gum at the back of my mouth behind my lower teeth so on the way back from work today, I've been to the chemists and picked up some Peroxyl... and here's me thinking Hydrogen Peroxide was only just for hair dye :D

As ever, though, I am my own worst enemy :blush: as I am struggling to resist the urge to poke the swollen lump just because I am curious if it still hurts as bad as it did. Perhaps I will have to start wearing gloves as I did when I got chicken pox at the unfortunately relatively late age of 14 when I kept wanting to itch... ahem, down there.:roflmao:

Ah, you've got to laugh.
Peter x