View Full Version : Another newbie - Hi!

09-06-13, 15:22
I'm another newbie - Had a very bad year last year with neighbour panic triggered by a very stressful redundancy, suddenly being at home on my own all the time and the neighbors either time undertaking major building works and garden clearance that left our place much more overlooked.
Never had panic attacks before but with the help of some counseling and lots of self help, and reading other threads here, things are looking better.

The stress is still on tho, as I am trying to make a career change, my partner was also made redundant and we've decided to downsize and move to a different part of the country (part of our original retirement plan happening early). So we are also going through the stress of trying to sell the house (and just had a buyer pull out . All of which means I am teetering on the brink a lot of the time and any additional stress tends to tip me over into (fortunately) short lived depression - although the panic attacks are much rarer.

And I am also getting to the point where it has been so long running that family and friends are getting tired of it and my endless mood swings/anxiety/doom mongering - so I am hoping to find some support from those of you who are also going through it (and reassurance that its survivable ).

BTW - best book I have come across is Living with it by Bev Aisbett
- its at a level I can read when I am in full scale panic or depression and has really been a way out of the dark for me

09-06-13, 22:55
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.