View Full Version : Hi! Help!

09-06-13, 16:15
Hi all...

Ive suffered from anxiety/health paranoia since i suffered from a stillbirth and severe post natal depression 9yrs ago. Several times i have suffered very real aches and pains and taken myself off to A&e only to be told they cant find anything wrong and magically the symptoms disappear soon after i guess because ive been reassured that nothing is wrong!

Im a recent single mum after a very messy divorce and im more aware of my health than ever. since February ive had a very heavy feeling/sensation in my left side,there is no pain or ache, just an inflammed feeling.been to the docs numerous times and had blood and urine tests.the first set of bloods said that my inflammatory markers were slightly raised and my first set of urine came back with a small amount of red blood cells.the second lot of both have just come back as clear. the feeling suddenly disappeared as quick as i had come but after 3/4 weeks if it being gone it has now come back.ive googled it and it says it could be anything from bowel/colon/pancreatic cancer to simply IBS.
Ive had an ultrasound scan on my kidneys and bladder which was fine, i asked the scanner to scan the other organs but she said she wasnt allowed to unless my gp had asked her to, so obviously im panicking that they missed something inmy bowels or pancreas.
Im hoping its just ibs, i do eat a lot of bread and pasta and often get the desperate urge to go for a no.2 in the morning.my stools are the right colour. the gp has pummelled my tummy and couldnt feel anything nor did it hurt me. its just the constant heavy feeling...im so worried its a hidden tumour, as you read these horror stories of people who have seen their gps and been diagnosed iwth ibs when in fact its been terminal cancer.
sorry to ramble on....

09-06-13, 16:57
Hi Louloumac and :welcome:

Sorry to hear you have come through so much and your anxiety has come back. You will find this site helpful. I did.

I had an abdomen ultra sound, as I had been feeling sick.
A lump showed on my pancreas and after CT scan I was informed it was a simple fatty lump.

I would imagine if there was anything suspicious it would have been seen on your ultra sound.

24-06-13, 23:47
Thanks for your reply, just as an update, i am now booked in for a colonoscopy on Monday and my anxiety is at an all time high. every article i read or see seems to be about somoeone who has died or is dying of cancer etc......i feel like i am slowly cutting people out of my life as i dont feel as im going to be around very long, i am so stressed. i do need to lose a lot of weight and stop smoking but until i get a proper diagnosis i dont see the point in looking after myself.i have been signed off work for two weeks with stress, and while my daughter is at school i just sleep which just makes me feel tired when i wake up and unable to sleep at night, i think this tiredness is due to my anxiety but another part of me worried that its due to whatever is causing my ache.......i just dont want to leave my daughter, she is the world to me and so young....im dreading the results of this surgery on monday....

25-06-13, 01:09
Hey there, it's great you are reaching out for reassurance, anybody would be scared right now. All I can say is, there are many things it could be. No need to assume the worst (I know that's easier said than done!)

I suspect you would have been rushed in much more quickly if they had suspected something sinister but anyway you will know soon - possibly even already? - what was found, so please keep us updated. xx