View Full Version : Took the plunge and signed up

09-06-13, 19:52
Good evening all,

I have been using this site as a source of information, reassurance and reading success stories to give hope for some time.

I started with anxiety some 4 years ago after having a jolt when going to sleep, an extremely common beginning to anxiety from what I have read.

It is very much focused on health and a dash of social. The anxiety had covered most health concerns known to the medical world and I have managed to overcome most but the final one to get rid of is the cardio phobia.

I get many pvcs and barring a couple of seconds of brief worry I tend to be able to get over them. I have a low resting heart rate, which I know is completely fine as I was extremely fit when I was younger. Resting rate tends to be 50 but two perfectly normal ecgs showed it at 43. I have had around 12 ecgs everything fine (sinus bradycardia with 1st degree heart block) the block is the first cardio thing I haven't worried about as I am thin, have a healthy heart and is common.

I am amazed at how anxiety can slightly change so you find new things. I have pulse checked for nearly 4 years and found this week that I can cause a slight pause by taking a heavy step, small jump etc the heavy impact from floor seems to knock the rhythm out, straight after back to a normal, slow and steady level. Even by tapping thumb hard on phone screen can do it (found this during frustrating candy crush level) Has anyone ever experienced this or can do it as can't find any information about it?

Other than the question that has clearly driven me here I hope all are well and wish everyone the best on dealing with our enemy within.



30mg citalopram daily.

09-06-13, 19:57
Hi Harry just wanted to welcome you to the forum. :welcome:. I am sure you will find loads of help and support on here.

09-06-13, 20:05
Thanks for welcome

09-06-13, 22:46
Hiya Harry and :welcome:

09-06-13, 22:54
Hi Harry. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.